Spill Your Guts! with Rachel and Mandi

16- Back for 2023!

Mandi Holden Season 2 Episode 16

 In this episode, our hosts catch up on their holiday experiences as they start this first episode in the second season of the podcast. 

 Mandi and Rachel share what they each got as their word for the year 2023, describing how this word has played into their lives since the beginning of the year. They emphasize the importance of telling our story to help others heal, and the effect of work-life on the mental health of people today.

▪         [02:43] Rachel's word for 2023 is "Magnet". She is in the preparatory phase of becoming a magnet by working on herself to attract new things. She has started to gain mastery of her boundaries and how to maintain them. Oversharing and over-explaining are self-abusive because we give our power away. For Rachel, getting used to saying No effortlessly is bringing her peace.

▪         [06:12] Rachel's holiday has also reflected her theme. Her plans for the holidays had to change so she had a lot of time to spend on herself and her family. She also has been fixated on the issue of suicides as some of her close friends had people who committed it, especially in the last holidays. This made the holidays very hard for many people, and asides from that, the many other issues happening in the world even forced Mandi to take a break from Tiktok.

▪         [11:00] The question is whether things are truly generally hard or if people are fatigued becau

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Speaker 1:

I'm fighting it. I'm going to wait for the beat to drop 2023. Hey, hey, here it comes And hey it's the failure. Guts podcast with Rachel and Mandy. It feels good to hear that little jangle.

Speaker 2:

You got that jangle.

Speaker 1:

Is that jangle girl? We're back, season two, back at it again. What the hell are we doing, bud? I don't even know. I feel good to hear a little song just then. We're like really doing this thing again.

Speaker 2:

We were just telling Jesse this is our favorite form of therapy.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. This is the cheapest form of therapy I've ever had.

Speaker 3:

And with two months off.

Speaker 1:

Shut up Patty bandwagon for your therapy needs.

Speaker 3:

We were talking about not selling things And with two months off, you did the intro exactly how you did two months ago.

Speaker 1:

That's because I am. We are authentic, you're natural. Thank you, oh my gosh, we're back. Listen, we have. we have lots of things that we've added to our shared topics.

Speaker 2:

I don't even know where to start.

Speaker 1:

Hit me with one of those ones you just shared with me Where, what was that? What was that first one?

Speaker 2:

We've got everything from sleep to hormones, to social media, to saying no to capitalism.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, but what was that one? you just, you just said right before we started Oh, one of my ideas, yeah, yeah, go on The first one.

Speaker 2:

What happened to glamour shots?

Speaker 1:

Hey, this is what is the most important thing we've been doing in our off time. Okay, solve the mystery.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So I have a very strange feeling that there's going to be a glamour shot, photo shoot sometime in my future, because Rachel always bullies me into doing what I don't want to do. I'm going to call up Asia. Yes, you guys will get to meet Asia, i hope this season. She's a world class photographer for a lace photography. If you follow her on Instagram, a little shout out there. Look at that Asia. Shout out in the first episode My gosh, i love it. Rachel Dawn, tell me stuff. How is your 2023 going so far? If you could tell me in one word, your word for 2023 was what? Magnet, magnet. And do you see the energy of that word that you chose, already manifesting, and if so, how? No pressure, big question. Here we go.

Speaker 2:

I would say I'm in like the prep phase to become the magnet.

Speaker 2:

I'm still and maybe this is part of it Like I'm still like closing chapters, locking, locking down to commitments that I made to myself, working on my spiritual practice. I feel like I'm closing the door to prepare to attract new things, and that's one of the reasons I actually like this word is because I had, i was putting off all this like excavation and ends, because it never feels good But, as a result, if all that stuff is hanging around, i don't, i can't bring in and attract the new stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's no room, i'm still kind of closing those doors right now and it's super uncomfortable, but the more I do it, the easier. It gets to the point where I'm like is this now too easy? where I'm literally just like no, and that's my answer. I love it. I'm just saying no with no and just like, and then like shutting the door without like going into a million reasons why, dude.

Speaker 1:

You know what? I am so glad you said that, because right before we started recording, of course, we had to debrief because we haven't been with each other. We had to catch up with Jesse. Hi, Jesse, And I had just shared with you that I learned that um oversharing and over explaining is actually kind of self abusive. It's like a way that we abandon ourselves and give our power away, And so I am really inspired here. You say that saying no is just becoming like second nature. No explanation, That good girl programming that we talk about. Yes, Do you feel like you're sort of um decoding that from your, from your lifestyle?

Speaker 2:

I really am And I and it, like I said, it's, on some of it's, still uncomfortable, but for the most part, like I said, it's getting easier And, um, it's bringing me and keeping me aligned with fucking peace, And all I'm trying to do is focus on the people place and things that matter most, like my inner circle, and I can't, i can't get out here and start swirling or it's just not going to happen. I already know, I've been doing it for, you know, most of my life. I'm an expert in it. Yeah, we've seen that movie. So now I want to become an expert in this and saying no, ooh.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh. Okay, that's it. That's a wrap. First episode's over. Good job everyone. Um, so, how were your holidays and everything as you've been working on this throughout our little podcast break and through the new year, how were your holidays? This is our update episode or welcome back episode, everybody, just so you know we're just catching up.

Speaker 3:

So, if you don't care, then you should.

Speaker 1:

You might miss a good couple of inside jokes. if you don't listen, so don't go anywhere.

Speaker 2:

Um, holidays were in line with that theme. They were calm. I was supposed to head out to out of state to see the person that I'm dating but Southwest Poopsie Southwest had a chaotic time, so that got moved around. But as a result I had a solid week that I'd already taken off, with no plans, nowhere to be, nothing to do, and I just slept in. I went on hikes, i went to the gym, i ate good food, i spent time with my family and then kind of like just prepared for January, which is when we had our challenge and our Las Vegas trip for our fundraiser and got to meet new friends and see new people and try to stay grounded in Vegas, which is always hard, super.

Speaker 2:

It's funny because, like out of all the activities that we did as a group, my favorite thing was the night that we stayed in and just played board games and had some cocktails and listened to music and like that.

Speaker 2:

I was just I'm 40. It's like magical time to me. It is so good. There was some hard couple of hard things over the holidays. I was just telling like updating that kind of not thank goodness, and now that it's still not so hard, but like not in my immediate circle, but a shocking number of people that I know that they know that like the six degrees separation had like some really hard holidays, like really difficult mental health, a lot of suicides, and I just like kind of hyper fixated on some of that for a long time, because that is a hard concept for me to understand. That like how does this happen? Like how do we get here where, like the number one cause of death for people 18 to 35 or 25, 24 is sorry, second to school shootings, but that's another topic is suicide, wow, and so that really really heavy with me especially for our January challenge, which was to.

Speaker 2:

one of the things that it benefits is Andy's fund, who he also was some of that. it ended up taking his own life, so that was also kind of weighing on my mind, which also made me more committed to quieting some of the noise and really focusing on myself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, No, we, we heard we were talking about how particularly difficult the holidays felt this year. They were so hard for people. Yeah, and I, and I know we talk about this a lot because it's like is this real? or is the world burning? Like what's going on? But it's like you know, you think about like what the world we everybody talks about this now, like everybody of a certain age is, and until the day we die, we will all talk about what the world was like 2019 and before And then what the world was like after. right, and we will always be. I feel like we as like a generate, we will always be like capsuled or encapsulated is the actual word. Sorry, everyone in this like weird in between of like before and after and like always sort of trying to like find our footing in this after. And so you ask yourself, like is this getting harder? as it seems right, like I was telling you guys before we started.

Speaker 1:

like my husband put me on a full on, like deleted TikTok off my phone, like I am on a TikTok break right now that I have no control over, because I was getting sort of like carried away with the fear of so many things, the like you know, in the name of wanting to be informed and not wanting to be ignorant about. you know, i don't want to like marinate in an echo chamber about politics or current events or things, but you know I want to know what's going on so that I am not ignorant, but using that as like an excuse to like just scroll into a spiral of like despair, not cool. And so you wonder, like, are things really this hard and this like hopeless, or are we all so absolutely fatigued emotionally, spiritually, physically, financially, socially, like name it? are we fatigued in all the things because we have just still not processed and been given the chance to process the pandemic and everything that's happened since then? or is it all of it?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I think it's so bad. I think where everyone's feeling it, it's like I call it, like the squeeze, especially in the financial area. Gaps keep getting larger. People can don't have the wages to just survive, and so they're working on these jobs. They're burnt out and they're realizing that this is their life, this is their future. Like this is what it is now. Like all we do is work And hopefully we have enough money to just feed ourselves and get through our day, to like feed this machine, and then that's it, and don't you?

Speaker 1:

feel like collectively, like no matter where you land, spiritually, socially, politically, all those things, it's like everybody feels this way. But, like and right, in this age of information where we can really share, i mean, there's a lot of bullshit on social media, right, like we know there's bullshit, but there's also such good content, like I have learned really good, important things that I would not know about If it weren't for social media and the time people take to educate people on their cultures and heritages, and you know, things that I would never encounter personally because of my own privilege, that I enjoy. Right, like things like that, like you, just like social media is invaluable. Right, like we literally have like the world of information at our fingertips. But then also, right, what is the result of that? Like how much of that energetically can a person hold in their vessel? And then we start to we can't, we can't. So then what? we numb and we do all the things. And it's weird because the more, the more information we're learning. Right, we're learning about all kinds of people who would never go to therapy or learn anything about, like generational trauma, or like these are becoming everyday conversations now, like people who I wouldn't even believe are like really digging into, like healing their trauma and talking about this stuff And like this is our like in the retreat and wellness fitness space. This is like what we are all about And it's exciting to see so many people getting excited about it.

Speaker 1:

But to your point, rachel, how do you learn all this stuff about your interpersonal life, relationships, family, and then have to go participate in it in a larger scale out in society, like if you don't feel like we're getting gas lit every day at work, like it's an abusive relationship? God damn it. I'm going to say it. Yeah, i'm confident that nobody that I work for listens to this shit, so I'm fine. But it's real, it's gas lighting. Like I'm supposed to get pumped, that we're having record breaking profit months when literally nobody who's really truly like breaking their body to make it happen is benefiting from it at all.

Speaker 1:

Wild, that's wild, and we're all aware now of what gas lighting is. We're all aware now of trauma and toxic environments and like. So I think people have lost their willingness to show up and play this game. Like, how many people have you heard like be like I don't want to be anybody, i want to just have my job and have enough to pay my bills and be left alone Like people don't care about being successful anymore. What the world says is successful, and we talk about that all the time here.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, i can't remember you and I, when we were chatting the other day, i had a. I was curious to know, like when enough which I think we've were we've reached this capacity. But like when enough people like come online and wake up and feel this way like then what happens? Like right now we're not doing anything. I think.

Speaker 1:

I think people are still waking up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, and I think that's why my personal commitment is I'm trying to like, you know, like, do it for myself and hopefully like others. because the other thing is like, and this is I'm always this way and I don't know if this is right or wrong, but like, sometimes I'm like I'm doing all this work but like it doesn't matter if we're not all doing it. Do you know what I mean? Like it find good for me, but like my vision for the world can't happen unless we all get the fuck on board. And I don't have any answers, like with this one, which is why it's really hard. I'm I'm glad we have social and we can use it as a tool and learn from each other, and like it sparks conversations and we find good books and shit. like we find partners, like the person I'm dating, like that's how we met. But there's just this whole other side where you can it can start to feel like hopeless.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you could start to feel like hope, like what's the point, and that, i think, is what they call. It's like the joke, right, like in this spirituality community we're in. Waking up is kind of like what are? the dark night of the soul? Yeah, freak out like it's not joyful, right. When you become like aware, you're like wow, this is great, cool Thanks. Cool, Nothing matters, great Thanks.

Speaker 2:

And like this chronic stress and like I think a lot of people are actually like grieving, 100%, waking up, and then they they're in grief because they're like, oh, this is what it is.

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm saying. Like people are realizing that the whole part, like the whole, chasing purpose, chasing success, chasing like your value in a, in a title somewhere, or it's kind of a rip off. Yeah, it's bullshit because like even the people who we see, who are successful. As we record this, it is in early February. I don't know when it will air, but we just had the Grammys over the weekend.

Speaker 1:

Well, that was weird And it was weird because we are no longer like in that timeline anymore, right Like, where we kind of like worship celebrity And so we're kind of like seeing through all the like theater of it. And it's interesting, like those of us who kind of like are aware of the before and after, right Like there was a way the world was before And I'm the biggest Beyonce fan there is or used to, right, but now it's just it feels different And I'm thinking to myself what do these people have to say in their song lyrics, in their poems, in their performances, which are amazing? right Like I'm no shade to these artists, but, like, what are they putting out into the world that is more valuable than all of the billions of other people who are also in a human meat vessel, having a lifetime of their own heartbreaks and tragedies and experiences, and feel like they can't share it. Because who are they? Somebody very special to me.

Speaker 1:

I shared with me the other day that a penny that you find on the ground, like to your point about like doing your work, doesn't matter, because if everybody's not doing it, then why should we right? So she said that you know, if you find a penny on the ground, it's just a penny, it's like one cent. It's literally like worthless. It wasn't like a whole like Kevin Fitterline petition to get rid of the penny. Anyway, did you guys miss my ADHD or what?

Speaker 3:

I did not have time to verify all these steps. Okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

Well, okay, edit that out then.

Speaker 3:

No, this is the same.

Speaker 1:

But like a penny is a penny, right, but if you had a million pennies, you wouldn't throw that away. That's worth something. I can't do the math on that, but like that's some money there. So that's like you know. We so enter in my word for the year that I chose, which I was pissed about. I'm still actually extra pissed about it now that we're on the other side But the word I chose for 2023 was faith.

Speaker 1:

So I feel like what I've done, what I've gone and fucking done, is invited myself to keep having these experiences that inspire me to choose faith. When I have seen evidence that would, you know, feel like things are hopeless, right. So I keep kind of like what you were saying about the holidays just being really hard, like we watched some people really struggle through some stuff and you'd turn on any kind of news, any social media, anywhere. It's all bad news and it's hard to have faith. And so these conversations matter and what you, what we and you guys, anybody who's listening out there like what you're doing matters. It really does. It's like the one penny that you feel is worthless in a pile of gold Bitches. Okay, i did want to share something with you guys. You look like you're about ready to press a button and shut me off.

Speaker 3:

You know I've been ready to hit the button a couple times and it does get you to stop. So stop watching me. It's a threatening button.

Speaker 1:

So, so so hang with me on this, though I wanted to share. So on Netflix there is a documentary that Mikey and I just watched over the weekend called Mind Over Murder Super random. He was just like, oh, this looks interesting. He's been like on a documentary kick like he was. I came downstairs the other day and he was watching that one about the guy at the gas station with the hatchet. You guys remember that the like surfer hatchet guy.

Speaker 3:

Wham, wham, wham.

Speaker 1:

He like watched that whole dog on the first day it came out. Yeah, so okay.

Speaker 3:

So dudes are weird also because I was like no thanks, I got your back, Mike.

Speaker 1:

I'll be upstairs listening to me I'll say it's fine, um, but he's been on this super documentary kick. So we watched this documentary called Mind Over Murder. Okay, follow me for a second. This murder was about or this documentary was about a murder that took place, i think, in the late 80s in Nebraska, in a city, in a city called Beatrice, nebraska, which I spent almost the entire time bumming out because they were pronouncing Beatrice as Beatrice, and then I was like wait, am I living in an alternate universe? Like, have I been saying Beatrice wrong this whole time? Has it been Beatrice? Do I know anybody actually named Beatrice? that it would matter. Anyway, so this lady, she was like an older lady, like a grandma, somebody, i mean. She suffered this like terrible, like a crime. Somebody broke into her home and she was raped and they took her life and it was terrible And it was in this very, very small town which like shook their whole community. Okay, and I'm so sorry, trigger warning should be should be applied here, because I didn't know I was going to like really talk about this in detail, but the whole documentary basically was about how these six people ended up being implicated and like charged and served time for this crime And they found out like 20 years later that all of them were actually innocent.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and it's, it's pretty wild. It's on Netflix If anybody wants to watch it. It's very interesting. It's like four or five episodes. But the reason I'm sharing on this podcast is because I had a download while I was watching this. So we're watching this and and kind of periodically, throughout the documentary they kind of cut over to this other group of people who are like this community theater group in good old modern day, beatrice Nebraska, okay, and they keep cutting over to this theater group who is going to perform a play based on this murder that happened, like in the town, and people are pissed Like how, how dare you? This is disrespectful. I mean, they got all this hate right And they keep. And then they would go back and dig, dig back into the actual story And then every now and then they'd like come back over and kind of highlight you on the like theater production, and every time they'd pop up I'd be like, oh, this is so lame, we go, i'll leave it to theater people.

Speaker 1:

You know, just be just like an asshole right Like this has nothing to do with the story. So we get through the whole thing And you have to know that the lady the the murder victims family was very upset when they were told that these, all these people were basically exonerated and like let free, and so they were left like feeling ripped off, that there was no justice served for their grandma and that it became all about these people and their innocence and what happened to their family member got lost. And they were very upset, i mean, obviously. And so they were so upset, so upset. But a couple of them chose to go to the opening night There was only two performances of this play and a couple of the family members went to the play. I think they went to like kind of start shit which I could get behind, you know, and so at the very end of this documentary they end up like kind of sharing.

Speaker 1:

The ending of this documentary was these people performing this play for their community, and the intention of performing the play was to give a voice to all sides of the story, because everybody in that town had become so volatile towards all of the people who had been released. It had become this small town like super deep scandal, whatever. So they performed the play and they showed this one specific. Like the eldest grandson of this family, him and his wife went And at the end of the play the man had completely his mind blown, his heart softened. He was completely able to see all these six people who had served time, like majority of their young lives, in prison for a crime they didn't do, and he got to start to see them as human and was able to like soften enough to like see the humanity and the whole story. And he's like crying and emotional. And his wife, they kind of like interview her on the side and she's like Yeah, i've felt this way for a long time but I could never tell him. And like, but she but like you see them immediately, the intimacy between them because she was able to finally talk to him on a level that he was not available to like meet her at yet. And you see him like trying to explain to his other family members who are mad at him That like, no, like this helped me see things in a different light. And blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 1:

And I was just like I start, i'm like, oh no, oh no, i'm watching this And I'm like here I'm having a download. Oh my God, no, can I just watch Netflix and be left alone? Because I'm like, isn't that how it goes? Isn't that the fuck how it goes? You start to find your way into some freedom and get set free from some, from some shit, and here comes the old fucking, the old thing, i don't know, like the old way of thinking, like the old family members who don't want to let go of their thing because their ego like get mad at you and reject you and kick you out of the tribe. And this guy had to stand in his truth and be like blah, blah, blah. And then here it comes.

Speaker 1:

I hear in my little universe ear art, make the art. If those little Nebraska thespians hadn't committed I know it's silly, but it's not It was very powerful because it's like if they had not committed to doing this thing, if they didn't believe in telling this story and performing it in this way, if for only that one man who deserved the healing and he could only receive it through art being expressed from an authentic place, that is enough. People, that right, there is enough to get out and do the things you're supposed to do, without certificates, without credentials, without experience, without XYZ business plan, without XYZ materials to sell or whatever, like, whatever that and I'm speaking to myself whatever you feel you're inadequate in and you cannot. You're like, can't share or can't do or can't whatever, do it Because you don't know. So here this ripple effect, these people in Nebraska.

Speaker 1:

I don't even know when they did this, i can't even tell you when this was made, but here I am sitting in 2023, pissed Reno, nevada, with my little faithy word of the year hanging over my head. Pissing me off every day. Being reminded that it doesn't matter, like here I am, is completely somebody who had never have known that this story ever happened. Seeing what can happen when people show up and they express themselves authentically It totally inspired me. So, anyway, watch more murder mystery documentaries, i guess. Oh my God, did you guys miss me or what? I'm so sorry.

Speaker 2:

I did.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I'll let you guys talk next time.

Speaker 2:

I love that. That is, that is faith, and that is also like I stopped myself because I'm working on peace. But I get angry sometimes and I want to yell at people in person and on social.

Speaker 1:

I say, do it. I say that that's peaceful, it's fighting for peace to go out and like live in real life.

Speaker 2:

I don't know how else to put it. We have to collectively like if we don't there, the consequences are right here, happening right now.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Don't feel good. People listen to popping into art and moving their bodies. No, this is where we are.

Speaker 1:

Where your feet are, like you always say.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and a big solution is going like we've and we're doing the inner work and now we've got to go the fuck out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we got to feel each other. We have to express, we have to stop numbing, we have to stop ignoring, we have to start stop scrolling, striving like. I hear you, it's like. It's like if your motivation to go out and do is to prepare for something like later, then that's always going to feel empty. There's never enough. It's a, it's a thirst that's never quenched, which is why I work at a factory, you know, i just don't want to quench that thirst, no more.

Speaker 1:

But our good, our favorite guy on Instagram is super random. What's it? feel, good feel. Is that his handle? We're going to? we're going to have to shout him out for real.

Speaker 1:

He shared a post a couple of weeks ago that I shared with you, rachel. That's like reminded me of how you always remind me of this, but he said that I think that God's love only exists in the now moment and that anytime we venture into the past or the future is work that we should do, but only with the intention of bettering our now moment. So if we're like in some past fields and working through like stuff in our past, it should be for the intention of bettering our now moment and not get stuck there. And if we're spending our time like really focusing on the future and building something it should only like be, stuff that gets you excited about what you're feeling right now, in this moment. It's right now, right now, is it? This is all we ever have, and so if that's true, then I cannot waste however long I have in this right now moment being scared to death that California is about to fall off the earth and fall into the ocean, and then climate change. I mean all this, it's all happening.

Speaker 1:

We can't stop it, but like, if I only have however long I have, then it can't just be in fear. Gotta have faith.

Speaker 2:

Gotta have faith, we gotta be a magnet and attract all that shit.

Speaker 1:

Damn it, put it on a shirt.

Speaker 2:

I want. I'll probably. Maybe this is probably for next episode, but like the, i've been. I don't know why or how. I think it's because I am consciously not spending so much time on my phone. But I'm reading again and writing, and not only that, but I'm like buying actual books, yes, which is just like I don't know what it is. Just I feel like my brain is suddenly like turned back on again. You're human again, yeah, yes, and even just like the, the like feel of turning pages in my hands, like I'm like what is happening here, dude, that's wild.

Speaker 1:

What have I?

Speaker 2:

been doing, but I deep dove into this. This study It was a nine decade, so it was like an 85, 90 year study. The first of it, what? And it even, like some scientists had died in the process and younger scientists like, carried on this study of humans of what actually creates health and happiness. I can? it got put on a. I started originally on a podcast and then I like, of course, like when, actually I want read the study. Right, but the number one, one most influential factor over anything on, like human longevity and health and happiness, take a guess, what do you think it was? Hey, beat everything else.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Really good guess. Really good guess Because that wasn't the other book that you and I read, that we need to talk about.

Speaker 1:

We got to talk about it. We're all dead. I'm sorry, Jesse. do you have a guess? Do you have a guess on what it might be?

Speaker 3:

What was the print? What was the principle of this question? The the last sentence.

Speaker 2:

The most influential factor on human health and longevity and happiness, like those three things.

Speaker 3:

And it's not sleep. I know That's wow.

Speaker 1:

Oh water, What is? it Oh my gosh, i'm so excited. What is it?

Speaker 2:

It's the quality of our relationship That nothing that's way too deep.

Speaker 1:

No, but listen, listen, we and we will talk more about this, but man, it's. it really is everything, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

That's crazy that that came out of a study. Yeah, an 85 year. It was hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people. It was a massive study. It was a quality of our relationships with ourselves and with other people. Nothing else could touch it. Not diet, not exercise.

Speaker 1:

Dude wow.

Speaker 1:

It blew everything else out of the water, so to bring it full circle with what we started with in the episode. It's kind of interesting because as we learn more about ourselves and we learn all how to take better care of ourselves, and we all start to really embrace that we are actually worthy and valuable enough to take care of ourselves and love ourselves And that's not conceited or weird or selfish, right Like we're all in this healing journey together, the more we recognize our not our narcissistic, gaslighty relationships, like our jobs and like that's interesting, because I have found that in the workplace, like observing this whole thing happening, the very thing that is most upsetting. Obviously you think pay right Or quality of you know in your environment It's not, it's relationships. What you just said. It's people feeling like they're not seen, people feeling like they're not valued as a human, they're disposable, they're replaceable, they're nothing. They're, you know, worker peasants. You know they feel gaslit, like how can you tell us we're so important and then treat us so bad?

Speaker 1:

And that is being exposed in our one-on-one relationships, it's being exposed in churches, in organizations, and people are getting called out. It's wild. What a time to be alive. Well, we're definitely going to have to talk about that more. It's a big one. Oh my God. So we're like coming in hot 2023. Well, welcome back, bitch.

Speaker 3:

Hey, before you wrap this up, i do have one question, and it was based on what you said earlier.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

You were watching the Grammys.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Who was the musical artist you talked about in season one that you?

Speaker 1:

listened to My boy, My boy Harry.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, harry Styles. Is there any other?

Speaker 3:

Oh, so I'm not as familiar with Harry.

Speaker 1:

Styles, as you are. Did he win a Grammy? He won Album of the Year.

Speaker 3:

I said that up and didn't even know.

Speaker 1:

Yes, he did, and you know what? It's very controversial actually. It's like a whole thing where people are like he didn't deserve it. It was a big upset, but I'll look it up for the next time, and this is coming from a major Beyonce fan who actually loved her album she put out too, but Harry deserved it. Dude, it was a good album, pop magic.

Speaker 2:

I didn't watch them right, but the only highlight I saw, which actually hit me for a minute, was because people were booing or saying no when Harry went up there, but Taylor Swift stood fucking there because she has been in his position.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

That's what we need at this show. This is what this actually should be, whatever it was, but that was a really powerful moment.

Speaker 1:

Well, because she's authentic, right? Yeah, i agree with you. It was uncomfortable, especially as somebody who loves Beyonce. Like I'm not trying to throw her, like it doesn't matter, right?

Speaker 3:

Also, Beyonce won't listen to this.

Speaker 1:

Janet Jackson, i'm still holding out for you The freaking goat, anyway, but it goes back to these old ways are being exposed, right? You don't get to just boo somebody who won something fair and square because you don't think he ought to Like. this is what we live in wild times, dude, i don't know. Oh my gosh, so much to talk about. Well, thank you so much, everybody for listening and coming back. We hope you stick around. You get stuck with us for at least another season. See you next week. Bye.