Spill Your Guts! with Rachel and Mandi

26- Embracing Wellness and Self-Love: Unforgettable Moments from the 2023 Rebel and Be Well Women's Retreat

Mandi Holden and Rachel Prairie Season 2 Episode 26

We couldn't wait to share our hilarious airport encounter and the unforgettable experiences we had during our 2023 Rebel and Be Well Women's Retreat. Together, we explore the power of self-love, taking charge of our health, and learning from incredible women like Gianna and Kayla.

Ever wondered about the benefits of cold plunging and breath work? We've got you covered! In this episode, we dive into its transformative effects on our mental, spiritual, and physical health, as well as the importance of body regulation to prepare for life's surprises. Get ready to be amazed by our magical Northern Lights adventure and learn about the importance of understanding the stars and the power of the night sky.

Lastly, we touch on the Enneagram as a powerful tool for self-discovery and connecting with others. As we reminisce about the connections made, the lessons learned, and the amazing moments we shared with these phenomenal women during the retreat, we're grateful for the chance to embark on this journey together. So, tune in and join us as we relive the magic of the 2023 Rebel and Be Well Women's Retreat!

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Speaker 1:

It's my favorite beads. I know they're going to be like can this woman ever stop talking during this And be drop, hey, hey, hey, spill your guts. And that is what we do here. We spill our guts, we tell the truth about hard things And we do it with style and grace and humor. Rachel which, jesse, i don't know if you know this Rachel has started telling people like our elevator pitch for spill your guts. It's Rachel going. It's a spiritual comedy show. I'll look for that genre. I think we just started. We just started something. I think I said I could not explain it better. I think that's exactly what it is.

Speaker 2:

It has to be. We're too reluctant, we were too reluctant. Pilgrims, if we're not laughing, we're crying.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if we're not laughing, we're in big trouble somewhere. I'm in a fetal position waving a fist around at someone, so we better laugh. Oh my gosh, Okay. So here we are. This is our part two episode of our 2023 rebel and be well. Point retreat women's retreat recap. Can you believe it?

Speaker 2:

I'm like I've been bursting and like busting at the seams to talk about it, because it's always like I just don't have enough time in the day to explain to people who weren't there.

Speaker 1:

You're like, yeah, you wouldn't get it. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And then also, like some of it is so weird and wild that I'm like I'm just going to keep that to myself. Absolutely, absolutely, put it on the podcast.

Speaker 1:

Put it on the podcast Exactly. Yeah, there's some things you just can't explain Like just just as a. I'll just drop these as a little seedlings. But there was definitely, um, there was definitely some skinny dipping that happened this year. It was a collective power move. I was thankfully not a part of that.

Speaker 2:

I wasn't either believe it or not. We were shook as you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we, we did exhibit some self control and like responsible vibes and ended up going to bed that night. And then I found out the next day that they were all jumping in the lake Nike, and I'm not going to lie, it was low key, super pumped. Then I missed out on that because I would have, i would have done it and I would have been Oh listen, i had already been pushed to the limits this weekend. Okay, yeah, i'm all over the place. I don't want to get lost because Rachel did bully me into some things I didn't want to do, but it ended up being amazing. So let's start from the top. Let's take it from the top of our last week. We shared kind of where our head space was what we were thinking about going in. So now is the real recap. Here we are. I want to start by saying that, per use, i did not pack.

Speaker 1:

She did it the night before. I was like, Oh you know what, I'm going to get up early and be refreshed for this, So I'll finish packing in the morning, which was actually me setting it on for 3 30am because somehow in my brain that made sense, Okay. And then of course that was terrible. That was actually a terrible idea. So I'm like running around the next morning like an idiot, half packed, like you had no time to really get ready.

Speaker 1:

So I was like you know, when you go to the airport, when you're like going to fly, like fly travel is a different vibe You want to kind of try to be a little like airport stylish, You know you want to have like your cute Lulu's. You want to have like you know you want to look put together. You don't want to be like I was when I showed up at the airport A hot mess, like literally questionable decisions, all the things. And so this is important because I was laid over in Salt Lake City and I was sitting there like a bump on a freaking log, literally wasting ample time waiting to get on a plane. And guess who walks by me? A mirage, a cherub herself. Rachel's on prayer.

Speaker 2:

We literally the first thing I haven't seen Mandy in however long. I walked up to her.

Speaker 1:

I just said we're so dumb, We took a picture of you as you walked by and sent it to her like Hey, i spy with my little eye.

Speaker 2:

We started weezy laughing right away because we had been in. Mariah who set up our flights, was trying to surprise us, yeah, and so we literally had like two hours to kill. I was I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I was just like do, we were sitting in the same airport, like literally texting each other from different areas, not knowing we were both there when we could have been hanging out having a burger or something. So that's how we started. This lady, this nice little lady, was like trying to ask me about my tattoos right when I saw you walk by. She's like Oh, and I was like, Oh, yeah, it means this got to go, My friends here. And I like like jet it away from her. And I felt hella rude after, but that's okay. So that's how our retreat started, of us like geeking out And we were. We didn't get to sit together, So we were just like staring at each other weirdly across the plane aisles, making people uncomfortable, And it was great. It was great. So that's so. So how about I go? you go? So I start with our flight. You say the next thing.

Speaker 2:

All right, so we grab our new best friend, gianna. Shout out to Gianna, she will probably have her on at some point. Absolutely, her approach and philosophy to nutrition is next level like absolutely progressive and effective. It's just so good She's a trauma informed registered dietitian, you guys.

Speaker 1:

So everybody who gives a shit, take a moment of pause to like let that settle in your bones. So the way this woman was talking and coaching about nutrition was like making my heart sing. Plus she's hella funny. It was pretty. I got kind of threatened at first. I'm not going to lie. I'm not afraid to say it on the podcast.

Speaker 1:

At first I was like she's coming from my like funny girl throne and I might have to end her. You know, i got a little, i got like a self conchie. She's hella squad. So, yes, we, we, we grabbed her. Okay, sorry, i look at me, i'm already interrupting.

Speaker 2:

He rode you up there. We don't stop talking for three hours. We start greeting everyone welcoming, do our little open introduction, which Krista is just like I wish I had. maybe I can dig some up like pictures or videos from the first year that we did this To now, right, because I feel like we wouldn't even recognize each other, like when Krista did her little opening piece. it was just like who is this embodied woman?

Speaker 1:

Like, yeah, like just feminine fire just burning for all to like light their candle upon It was it was powerful, yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's her opening. We have, of course, angela, who I told I wish like we lived closer because I want to learn all about her strange dancing with the flowers cooking up.

Speaker 1:

Yes, In her kitchen. Oh my gosh. Okay. So you guys, there is who she's talking about. You could find her at Wild Crafted Free. Is that her handle? Wild Craft and Free. I will have to link everybody. But she is the private chef who they have on staff up there And she specifically serves the women's retreat with an all female cooking staff And she's like an expert at, like botanical healing and all these different things. So, like every thing we ate was truly not just saying this to sound some type of way, but truly infused with like magic, like she was an artist.

Speaker 2:

Farm to table organic pick from her garden, and so she kicked off this really fun mixology and also mocktails for the evening. that included all of the flowers from her garden. Even the ice cubes had fun flowers, and it was just like, like candy lilacs and things.

Speaker 1:

It was a wild Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Like she is a creator. She is an artist Like I just want to like be in her kitchen and like observe her process. Absolutely And right away was a highlight and I was like, oh yeah, i get to eat like a friggin queen all week breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts, drinks, coffee, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Everything was a full experience. Yeah, absolutely Yes.

Speaker 2:

And then day two, we kicked off some yoga with Mariah, which was another moment where I was like even seeing Mariah like progress as a leader and come into her own vision of what yoga should look like, feel like, sound like.

Speaker 1:

Ugh, well, and yeah, to like empower her. Like coach Rachel Prairie is telling you like, hey, coach, i see you making this thing your own thing and I'm like super proud of you. I could like see her receiving that Right. Like it was really, really special And it has to be said actually, cause we're just we're like so excited We're bubbling. But you, for those of you who've been following Rachel and Rachel and I on our retreat journey, this retreat happens to be the largest one we've ever gotten to help facilitate Like the. We were at full capacity at the point and it was about 40 women with attendees and staff included, and that was probably the largest body like our collective that we've gotten to work with And it was really powerful. I was a little nervous. I don't know how you felt, but I was a little nervous about how that was going to like travel through the weekend And it was. I mean, i don't want to like jinx anything, i'm not going to unwitch, but it was almost flawless, right, the women just oh, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

The larger groups, the bigger they get in my mind like kind of the riskier, it is harder to create intimacy and community, and that's a lot of females to get along like for the weekend, yeah, yeah, right out of the gate. It was just it, it was just there. And then that second day, gianna did her talk and then, speaking of leaders, to like Mandy gave her. She just stood up. She didn't even have a PowerPoint, she just stood up and like presented this incredible. I don't even want to say like self care, self love, because it's so much deeper than that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i basically said self cares bullshit. So that's the name of my book And self love kind of actually Gianna aligned with that.

Speaker 2:

She was like self loves bullshit.

Speaker 1:

What is I mean? the way it's like used, the way that it's, you know, been been like sort of captured and tried to become like a you know an angle.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, love yourself, like we can just love ourselves all the time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, yeah, absolutely. I thank you for that. Yeah, okay.

Speaker 2:

But then I stepped out with the amazing Kayla for cupping and a massage, which is a whole thing like the best body work. I've had a lot of different body work experiences, but Kayla is just, it's something else, And I don't I assume it's different with everyone, but she knows that I love to learn too, So as she's doing stuff, she's teaching me things too and showing me things after. She's like Hey, take a video of this Like so you can remember Like she just knows, Yeah, How to like connect with every single person she works with. It's so beautiful.

Speaker 1:

No, she's magical.

Speaker 2:

That you went to Melissa's session, which you'll have to listen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, tell us about cause I missed and I heard it was just like so she is a, she's like a licensed clinical therapist that we got to have. We had so wait, we had so many women come and present, come and attend, right, but also come and present from all these different realms of like the wellness space, right, when we're not just talking like the fitness and woo woo space, right, that we kind of represented right, but we're talking like physicians, you know, therapists that, like Gianna's registered dietician, like we covered every base you could possibly cover and everybody just like standing in their authority, teaching these things that they've been, you know, passionate about and learning about for five, 10, 20 years even, but like in a way that was not curated to feel like super clinical or like heady right, like it was really just women standing in their power and authority, teaching other women how to grab onto their own ass and take their health into their own hands and their wellness, mental health, you know, spiritual health, physical health.

Speaker 1:

It was so empowering you know, because it was like tell me if you agree, but it was in a way of like I'm not here to do anything but give you this knowledge, right? Like there's nothing else at play here, like we just truly like are all sitting and gathering together to learn and share and execute, and it was just really, really, really powerful. So when you were in your massage yeah, you missed out on Melissa, but I'm sure it won't be the last time we're going to be, you know, blessed with her presence, but she really just provided I can't even explain what I'm gonna have to have her on but she explained, you know, just some really important like little tools people could use to sort of like like reframe. Basically, she taught us like the step by step process of reframing feelings and like how to sort of like back yourself out of an overwhelming, you know repetitive thought pattern, right? So we use the language in our world as like limiting beliefs and like kind of getting stuck in the negative beliefs of something or, you know, getting in your way. It's like the same concept of just different language, right?

Speaker 1:

And I think that was really cool for me, because then you saw that also with the physicians who presented, and they're talking about hormones and food and you know these different ways of like our body, our physical body is processing and to have it all link back up, like when you stood up and presented about breath work and you were talking about like the parasympathetic nervous system and how that really like overlaps, right on top of coming back around to chakras and what I mean. I just never have experienced yet the mind, body, spirit, things that we talk about come together so tangibly and perfectly as they did this weekend. Really, it was like science meets spirit, meets emotional, psychological, and everything is spinning and vibing and everybody's understanding it and receiving it and it was purely magic.

Speaker 2:

Oh, there was such a thread through it all without any of us knowing. I mean, we knew the general topic, but it's not like we sat down and were like, okay, listen to mine and listen to mine and let's see if there's common themes and if we can relate things at all.

Speaker 1:

Just happened and the breath work led into cold plunging which was definitely like So glad you brought that up, because that's what I was going to want to talk about next.

Speaker 2:

Such a highlight in a moment because I, like we all of this. You can come to this retreat and literally just nap the whole time if you want to. All of it is optional, no pressure like we want you to. This is your experience, yeah, and so in previous years and, honestly, in other spaces where I've gone to, where we've introduced cold plunging and cold therapy and breath work, maybe people wanted to learn about it but didn't want to, didn't do it right.

Speaker 1:

Which is absolutely that's their It's me, it's me, i am, it's me, i'm like. I don't want to be cold. I had a bad attitude the whole time. That's pertinent for this story.

Speaker 2:

And I'm like, i'm like, i'm not going to be cold, i'm not going to be cold. I'm not going to be cold And Christa just like teeded up so well And I kind of like came in, so like this is why we cold plunge. These are the benefits. And I came in like here's the breathing that we're going to do, because what's?

Speaker 2:

the first thing that happens when we get in cold water everyone goes and holds their breath. It's going to be, you know, sit and let our body come back to our body. So we weren't sure. The options were either. the lake that literally had ice on it the week prior, like boats just went in, docks just went in. literally two days into the retreat There still wasn't a dock in the water yet, So it was cold. And then they have some tubs that they get to like 37 degrees.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they put like ice in there to get it at the right temperature.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, They put up by the sauna so you can kind of hot and cold yourself.

Speaker 1:

And I'm pretty sure I think everybody did it, i'm pretty sure there was a, there was listen, there was a couple women who opted not to, but they came down and held space and rallied, which I thought was hella cool, right Because they they and I respect not wanting to do it. Right And because that's something which, when I get to share mine, right like you want to do it, not feel like pressure, because it's so powerful, like when you're, when you overcome on the other side, they're like it really has to be done in the right energy. So I really respect people, like knowing their limit. But nobody bailed. Everybody was bought into, like the process And I'm like okay, so like the way you and Krista shared about it. Really, i mean, i, i, i couldn't see anybody wanting to walk away from that experience, even if they didn't plunge, because you're really learning something anyways.

Speaker 1:

First off, about how the body works in response to things and how there's all these things available to us like for really no cost.

Speaker 1:

Right, like there are things we can do that are like so significant to our health that you can do really on your own, like to break it down, like to know that, like okay, i don't have to like go balls to the wall and like hold, hold, hold plunge and become like a biohacker, like like Krista was, like look, you just start with like maybe you know being a you even said being a little less dressed when you go outside for a walk or this or that Like there's little ways you can baby step and still work, work into getting these benefits Right. And I don't I can't remember which one of you said this. I'm sorry, but one of you said this cold plunging is about preparing you how to handle life when it hits you, like freezing cold water, like the shock of life that happens right When you put yourself in these positions. Right Like control the chaos and you learn how to breathe through that. And you like can train yourself instead of gasp for air and freeze.

Speaker 1:

Right, you're not just physically teaching yourself to do that in the moment in the water, you're actually like training yourself to handle and center yourself and like know what to do when life hits your ass. And I think that's what I personally needed to hear to like you know, i'm like great, all these physical benefits, like forget it. But when you put it that way, I was like, oh damn it, i'm gonna have to do it.

Speaker 2:

It's a safe place to practice regulation, because what's crazy is that even when we're not hopping into cold water, our stress responds. When we are stressed is shoulders up, holding your breath shitty, breathing like it's all the same stuff, yeah, and so it's just like again it's. How can we create safety where we know we're not actually in danger but we're just really uncomfy, yeah, yeah, and practice that and get our nervous system exposed. And I had a kind of a sidebar conversation with Jamie here and I were talking about it. I was like you know, sometimes I worry like I've gotten, i've become like too mellow and like I have no fucks left to give, and so sometimes like I actually need to use breath or ice to like up-regulate, to like height myself, up almost, and like, and so it can be like an on or an off switch.

Speaker 1:

That's so interesting, like to kind of like give yourself a little jolt Yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's cool. Well, i have a quick one. The cold plunge was a highlight for me, so I'm really glad you brought it up because I want to share like a quick bit.

Speaker 2:

Yes, please, because Mandy did it and I'll share maybe a picture on our page She's you should I look very sexy in my swimsuit girl?

Speaker 1:

Well, okay, you guys know that anytime Rachel makes me do stuff like hiking or et cetera, i always have to bitch. It's our shtick, okay, like give the people what they want, but actually when it comes to the cold plungeing and the hiking, i'll give it to you, bitch, i'll let you have it. I never, i've never, regretted a hike. I've been on with this with this woman. I never have. I always reached the summit and I'm like, oh blast, i received that, thank you. So I'm like, okay, i don't really want to fucking cold plunge, but I'll do it because leadership right, that's how I did it last year Had a big old ass attitude about it And actually in hindsight I'm realizing now I did it, but I did it like out of obligation, because I felt like, well, i don't want to be a wiener, like I'm in a leadership position. I got to do it And guess what, guess who didn't get the benefits? because they did it in the wrong energy. That's me. So I wasn't really pumped to do it again because I was like I'm still cold from last year. But that's fine. Who needs nipples? Nobody, it's fine. I hate being cold, sorry, jesse, anyways.

Speaker 1:

So they really presented, like did this like team presentation? Rachel like guided us on some breath work practice rounds, which I thought was really, really cool, because going we hadn't done that before And you did that last year She created this cool little thing that she put up on the screen that was like a little square you could follow to like hold your breath to this unbox. It was really dope how you did that, and I know from going to yoga, right, that you begin and end each yoga session with collective breathing so that you can like align everybody's energy together with the breath. And I really feel like you did that kind of without them knowing, without us knowing right What was going on. Before we went out, you kind of got everybody breathing in the same way And it kind of just like brought us all together in that moment was really cool. But I want to set the stage. So I'm trying to have like a bad attitude, right. I'm like, okay, i'm gonna do it, i'm gonna do it, i'm gonna do it.

Speaker 1:

But one of the attendees at this year's retreat she might get mad at me for sharing this, but I don't care was actually my first ever coach that I had when I joined the gym, when I first started my journey. My coach that helped me lose like my first hundred pounds and was like with me from the very beginning, like baby, stepped me from being scared of the gym to who I am today. She decided this year to come as an attendee And it was like kind of a full circle moment for both of us in a lot of ways, because really truly I would not be doing anything at retreats, or even knowing you at all, had I not joined the gym. I joined and started working with her. Like she's really responsible for a lot of the, a lot of the blessings I enjoy now. So it was like really full circle to have her come. I mean that's a big ask, right. Like this retreat for us is like across the country. Yeah, so you know, i've been going now a few years and I've never really thought that anybody from like my corner of life would actually come. I mean everybody wants to, but it's a huge investment of time, money et cetera. So she comes out and I mean just so many cool moments with her. but she particularly did not want to put cold punch Right.

Speaker 1:

So I really was like I had like decided in my heart like I got to do it. I got to do it because Rachel K is here. There was like a whole joke this whole time about me being sandwiched between Rachel's whole time. It was like coach Rachel, coach Rachel, on every side I'm like, leave me alone, let me live. But she really didn't want a cold plunge, like for her own reasons, right. But like I was in my heart like I have to do this, we have to do this together, like I can't bitch out because I know that she really wants to do this and it doesn't want to. And so, like You know, i got to do this. And so I actually went before her, like we all went in the lake and it was, it was fine, you know.

Speaker 1:

But then we decided to do the tubs, which were considerably colder, which surprised me, right. So I kind of get into the lake and I'm like, oh, i Got this Right, but it's a quick dip, right. Like I dip, i dunked down, got out and that's where my journey ended last year, right. But then this bitch Rachel's like all right, head to the tubs We need. She goes. This is how she lured me, jesse, you'll be so proud. She says we need content for the podcast. No, so I was like, well, put it that way, why don't you know? so we go up and we, we, her and I, we were, there were two tubs right, so we got to cold plunge together, and so it was really cool because Rachel got to like kind of coach me through my breathing and We ended up staying in there I don't know how long, like almost three minutes.

Speaker 1:

We long longer than I thought we would yeah, and honestly it was really magical for me, like when you, you know anybody Jesse will appreciate this because he is Reno, famous Hashtag Patty, bandwagon Um, you know that feeling when you, when you're swimming up in Tahoe, because Tahoe's ice cold All year round, like cold, cold, cold, and those of us who are local like pride ourselves on being like Tahoe's. No big deal to me. Okay, we there's a pride, there's a pride. the first 10 seconds suck Totally every time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but then afterwards you're like I'm sorry, i'm local, i'm fine, it's fine, i can spend all afternoon, yeah. But there's like this really magical feeling that we all like Reno natives, like share. When you're like going home after being at Tahoe all day, it's like the most refreshing, cleansed feeling you could ever had. Now I'm realizing it's because of You know what I'm saying because that's how I felt when we got out.

Speaker 1:

I was like, oh man, i didn't know my soul needed that. That was like hell of a good. I'm even looking into getting a tub, but we'll talk about that later. So, anyways, after we have this moment, it was Rachel K's turn to get in, and she was like very nervous, like really kind of reluctant and You know, kind of had all eyes on her in that moment and I and we had just gotten out of there So like I wasn't gonna cold plunge with her, i'm gonna get back in. I mean, listen, no, but Krista Decided to get in and coached Rachel through it and there was something so magical that happened because the Sun was out.

Speaker 1:

You know, sunlight came out at that very yeah, the wind, the spring breeze kind of dulled, and so everybody it was just like the most and everything kind of quieted, right, and And Rachel got in the pool or in the tub and like sunk down in and it is cold as hell, right, and Krista's just like gently quietly coaching her and I'm just watching her and like Encouraging her at like appropriate times and I'm having this like internal moment of like The teacher becomes the or the the student becomes the teacher, right, like I'm like encouraging her and she's like totally focused to like stay in there, let herself sink down a little lower, and there's this like magic thing that's happening and she keeps going, going, going and finally she's like okay, am I done?

Speaker 1:

Like how long have I been in here, thinking she'd only been in? her goal was 30 seconds and she was in there just past three minutes and When she realized that, it was like I can't explain it. It was like the look on her face when she looked at me. I thought, wow, this is probably how she felt like the first time she saw me do Verbi or whatever You know. I mean, it was just one of those moments of like overcoming something difficult and letting people like Love you through it. It's really special.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, that's my, that's my big about that, that retreats before, about One I'm glad you mentioned like the women who didn't do it, because they really came and anchored and held space, which is hard, and also like being a witness to When people go through these hard yeah, it's also hard. And like The the fact that attendees were both like participating and holding space. Yes, being a witness, like That's just as big as if they went in the water, like because it's really hard to do. We talked about that even as, yes, it we have to get that the night before we want to arrive. We got there Wednesday night like we got grounded. We had our own little ceremony, because This is not, you know yeah, we don't take it lightly.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we want to make sure that, like, the energetic space is safe and And the right intentions are made, and it's just, it's so special.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So then we went on. We carried on to our Sound bath with Kayla Yeah, always magical. And the loons called in all the thing all the animals love. I was actually just playing my bowls out at a park here today and Crickets or cicada, i don't know what kind of bugs, but they were like, they were like chiming along and I would stop and they would stop there. So I swear there's like something about the animals and whatever frequency it's put oh my gosh are into.

Speaker 2:

Ah, and It's funny because, like lack, like we've had some. Always some weird and wild things happen at the point and And a lot of it. Sometimes it happens during the sound bath, but it you know, everything was chill this year it happened after the sound bath.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you're gonna tell them, right, this is the the climatic moment. Here we go.

Speaker 2:

So this was a definite highlight. At about 11 1130, we all started to wind down like, okay, we should probably get back to our Rooms you know, yeah, i like go to bed, be responsible.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we were finished our wine and then all of a sudden Krista got a text from dr Kristen that that northern lights were happening down the street, which I was like we are right. I know, yeah, soda, most of my life I've spent a ton of time up in the area up in Canada and I've never I like I've never seen them, but I've always wanted to. So soon as we hear that it was, howl breaks loose. It was like 11, 11 of us left. We're springing. I don't know why we're spring. All 11 women pile into one vehicle. We're on each other. Madness Mandy's in the back. I had Mariah on my lap, just beer chaos. We go down like we ripped down the street. We pull off where dr Kristen saw him and we were like, oh, we could kind of see like one little yeah, there was like a haze.

Speaker 2:

One little thing left and we were like, oh well, you know, it was still cool, we got a picture, we had a great car right. But Chris was like, let's wait. I swear like, just wait, give it 10 minutes, they'll come back.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm and.

Speaker 2:

Sure enough, we had about a 45 minute Northern light show that like I will never Forget. it was just like the coolest fucking thing It was.

Speaker 1:

It was honestly. It doesn't even feel like real. Yeah, do you know? I mean like we stood there under the northern lights, like what, like why do I have all these honeymoon moments with you?

Speaker 2:

Because Kayla told us we were split soul. Oh, way back when, and then we got split up, damn it.

Speaker 1:

Well, i enjoyed our honeymoon northern lights. I Would also like I'm gonna bully you to share while we were waiting for them, and we were so like I was such a dork about it cuz like I would have been, i I would have been back, i was ready for bed. I was kind of like, all right, all right, you've Minnesotans, like you know, i'm gonna see the northern lights down here, right? So was I surprised, like when it really started lighting back up. I was like, oh my gosh, i can't believe I got to see this. Like I'm still I'm still not really over it, but oh yeah, while we were hundred pictures did?

Speaker 1:

she did, thank God, because my camera wasn't getting shit. But while we were waiting there, rachel has an app for everything. Right, it's like her claim to fame, she's an app for everything. But she takes out her phone and she's like guys, look, and she starts like this what, what is that app? you have the constellation app.

Speaker 2:

Sky wait.

Speaker 1:

Let me tell people like because I never remember what it's called until I get excited to use it sky guide so she pulls out her sky guide to start, like, trying to identify, like what stars we were looking at, what this, what that, and this is gonna tee you up for the next thing. I, you got a share, so go ahead, tell them. Tell them what you, what you found.

Speaker 2:

Well, directly above us were was a bear constellation, a big bear and a little bear. I can't remember like what their actual isn't it called Ursa major I? Yes, i was like.

Speaker 1:

I'm not a scientist, but I'm clearly a scientist.

Speaker 2:

It's got an actual name And then looked it up later because I was curious, like that was the thing that was directly above us. It's one of the most well known constellations and it's been. It's been mentioned in everything from the Bible to Homer. It's been you. It was used in the Underground Railroad to help people navigate to freedom. Like it's this big, powerful constellation.

Speaker 1:

Navigate to freedom. Power That was like the theme of it, right? Yes, so then tell them what you saw the rest of the weekend.

Speaker 2:

The next day we were going down the street to go on our grounding, our barefoot grounding hike, speaking of barefoot, and as we are driving, dr Kristen again has some kind of weird nature gift, is like hey, there is a bear, and I like, like almost veered into the ditch, like whipping my head so fast because I've seen a couple bear, is been a long time since I've seen bears up in northern Minnesota. And so we all, we well, the other cars kept going we, my car, i'm like we're pulling over, i'm the driver, i'm like we're pulling over, i don't care, and it is long. Behold a big bear and a little bear. It's a mama and a baby, a large baby and a large mama. So we have pictures.

Speaker 1:

The girls wouldn't like a real ass bear with the with the bear cub after you were standing under the powerful Ursa major right, yes, it was.

Speaker 2:

That has all these legends behind it's like very well known throughout human history Right. And then Mandy and I ended up seeing it again at the last minute as we were there.

Speaker 1:

Mama, to go home, they were crossing the street And we saw them again And I was like, girl, if this ain't a sign for you to have a baby, and give me Sorry, poopsie, i'm just kidding, but no, the theme was after you did a deep dive and you like, really like kind of unearthed all the messaging in there for you. I felt like that was such a powerful like universe. Wink at you.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, especially because we hadn't. We haven't done, you know, haven't read any of our high thoughts lately, but Highlight.

Speaker 1:

No pun intended.

Speaker 2:

I popped off the other night.

Speaker 2:

I don't know why she's mad angry about, and here's what it is. Okay, tell me if you also feel anger, jesse. I don't understand especially after finishing that sapien book why humans on planet Earth with no understanding of the sky and stars and galaxies and space, why on Earth did they decide to navigate the planet using the stars instead of like what is right in front of them, like that rock, that tree, like what guy in the tribe was like Hey guys idea, there's these blinking lights. Yeah, let's use math, advanced math, to map out the sky She's getting around again and oceans, like I'm getting.

Speaker 1:

Can you just imagine her, just like, sitting in her bedroom, spinning, just like why didn't get you sleep that night? No sleep.

Speaker 2:

No sleep, just doomsday little life. I just like why? Why was that it? and because in that book there's this interesting time period where we go from, like you know, we can kind of talk and stuff, and then there's this gap and then suddenly we're in these advanced civilizations and we don't really know what happened in the gap. We have like some guesses, yeah, so anyway, obviously I think it's alien intervention. However, obviously, like literally, why were we just kicking it on the planet and look up at these blinking things and take a right at the Bear Star There?

Speaker 1:

Well, that's why it was so extra special for me, like to watch you like discover that, because you got so passionate about it the night before And then, and then for it to like correlate specifically with like your theme of power was like such a like really powerful, like universe moment for you.

Speaker 2:

Yes, our Enneagram led this crazy session And if you've never done it, you can go online. You can get your Enneagram.

Speaker 1:

We should do like a whole episode about Enneagram. Honestly, it's like so powerful, but you just have.

Speaker 2:

Jamie on Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what we're just gonna make all of our friends talk about, all the cool shit they do. So would you say that was like your big biggest takeaway. Then was that like we do this thing at retreats, guys, where we and thanks shout out Asia to, this is like her thing that she's allowed us to steal. But we kind of wrap up each retreat with a, you know, closing a circle and sharing our peaks and pits, kind of like Allah, like the mountain peak and then the pits, you know. Like you know, there's always, you know, a magic moment and then there's always a moment of like realization that might be kind of tough to swallow and like okay, like this is something I got to work on or this is something I'm going to leave behind when I leave here, right, like that's a pit moment. So would you say that was your peak. Would you share your, your peak and pit as we wrap up this episode?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so my, actually my it ended up being my pit that I came out, so I'm an Enneagram eight, which is like, nicknamed a challenger, and the and Jamie. Let us do this great session of like our values and our fear so like when we're fully in our positive, empowered eight, versus like unempowered weakness, we're trying to avoid it, and then like the consequences of that living right and either energy, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So the aid came up with, kind of like the tagline is I am like the thing that I value a top value is power. And I just did not. I just felt really icky when that word came up because really it kind of goes back to your thing with leadership, because in my mind like leadership or power means like hierarchy And like if you listen to our last episode, like I'm not about it, i don't hear, i don't want to be somebody.

Speaker 1:

It's like the abuse of power really.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and then my kind of fear, or like area of avoidance, was weakness And I'll, and I use, you know, denial, essentially to not become empowered. So I, but I went through and I read the rest of like my consequences, so like the consequences of living in by my value of power is being in a position of leadership to be, able to create, to protect, to act, to incite like enforced justice, so like actually the things that I love, the things that are actually you, yeah, and then you just but the consequences of living in fear are, i can feel, stuck on sure, angry, aggressive weird

Speaker 2:

thinking and being a bully. I had a moment. My pit was I need to like really shed some of those ideas around power and think about leading from where I'm at and not being concerned about who's above me, who's below, like just where I am And and is where I am, like there's no place else to be. So I had kind of a moment where I was like finding myself no surprise, getting angry that that I was like you, that's not my word, like pick, it's not power, like pick something else. So that was my pit, where I was like like I have to like sit with that because I'm uncomfortable there. And then my peak between the northern lights and the bears and all the other like weird, should the loons, all the other things that happen was really about we talk like.

Speaker 2:

This podcast has been so great for me because I've kind of been like this closeted spiritual person or I've been a trainer who's witnessed miracles in my space right, not, but been careful not to label it that way because that sounds some sort of way And so my peak is that you know events like this is in our podcast is a place where I'm still pretty uncomfortable being out there but like can't go back. I can't stay in the closet, and the more that we put it out there yes, the right people find us.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And so that is always a pick. For me is like this kind of reinforcement to like to, even though I'm uncomfortable and I'm worried. Worried like how I'll be perceived or people will think I'm literally insane, because sometimes I think I'm insane.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, dude, sometimes I'm like, what am I doing? Yeah, exactly Every time I leave Jesse's house I'm like, well, that's going on the internet, so, but it's so. Turning back now, Everything's on the internet. Man, you're fine.

Speaker 2:

Thanks, bud, because this is who I am. Yes, this is what I believe And, whether or not I acknowledge it in the closet or not, it is happening in my world and in my space.

Speaker 1:

It's real, it's authentic, it's actually the real deal. Yeah, absolutely Yeah.

Speaker 2:

So that was all is like I was. The peak for me is like it's a way for me to like really just like be out there. Yes, and not overthink, yeah, and just like show up, show up in my weird spiritual self.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God, thank you for saying that Honestly. It's the perfect segue for me to share mine, if that's okay, because what you just share, obviously I feel the same way, like you know, especially coming from a you know background of church culture. There's still some, like you know, some friends out there who you know I have probably a conversation with waiting for me in the future, somewhere down the line, right where we're going to have to like address these differences and beliefs now and whatever. But knowing what you guys know about me like what I shared all these months leading up to this and then last week about kind of the energy I was in going up there, right, these themes of like my qualifications and my ego and who I am in my actual life being like a contrast to then who I am really on this podcast and who I am like in this other life that I have is like a leader in this space, right, and I've been in conflict with that for like at least a year, like trying to figure out what that means, like what in the hell am I doing? Like this was all weird. Do you know what I mean? So it was interesting because the peak of my weekend was I got to.

Speaker 1:

I always read tarot for people at retreats And you guys know I've shared, you know about my approach to tarot on here And so people kind of I do it like my own way, i do it a little differently And I do it almost even trauma informed Yeah, in a weird way, especially trauma informed, right, and I was able to I mean this year, having the most women we've ever had in capacity, right, i really spent a lot of time doing one on one tarot readings during all the free time that we had And like that was kind of like took up the majority of my time up there this year.

Speaker 1:

But it was the peak of my retreat this year because and I did it a little differently Usually we kind of gather around, we do it together and anybody who's interested, you know kind of does a reading with everybody and we all get to share and witness each other. I did it different this year because there was just so many women that I really just had to divvy up the time and kind of schedule everybody so everybody could get a reading who wanted one, and even still some of the ladies weren't able. We weren't able to make it happen.

Speaker 1:

So you know, how are your girls letting my DMs, whatever? But I got to spend this one on one time giving these readings that ended up being so potent And really like each person who chose to have a reading with me really came in and then left with something very specific, really had nothing to do with me, it was, which you guys know. That's how I feel about readings anyways. Like I'm just translating a language you're gonna take or receive whatever you are supposed to, right, whatever you are, this is your experience, right, and each of these ladies that I spent the time with it was so powerful, really transformative, like literally, like affirming things that they were already knowing in their lives. And you know blah, blah, blah. But several of them told me, particularly those who are physicians and licensed official people you know my whole thing about credentials, like to have the and then really not knowing that about me, like that being a personal struggle, right, that's not something I just like announce anyway, right, but like specifically having a couple of them come up to me and say, hey, this is not something I would ever have done, like I've always been wary for like XYZ reason, but you had just really made this so approachable, like the way that you do this, really, this let me feel really safe and it made it feel like something. Oh, i actually this doesn't feel scary, this feels really approachable to me.

Speaker 1:

And so it was crazy, because the theme of my weekend really was about stepping into my authority, right, right, krista referred to me a couple of times, like jokingly, you know, because I had shared with the ladies. You know, i used to be a youth pastor in my other life, blah, blah, blah. And Krista referred to me a couple of times, like in, just like calling me pastor, and I just and she even said it jokingly but I realized in a weird way, like full circle, for me it was the piece I needed. It was like, ooh, i'm gonna get emotional, i don't know why, ew, ew, ew, why are you saying it? ew? I don't know, because it was just like I really thought that, like cause I haven't really processed this out loud, do you know what I mean?

Speaker 1:

But I really thought that like that part of me was gone. You know the like part of me who led, or was quote unquote allowed to lead in that space. And once my beliefs evolved past what was quote unquote allowed, i was rejected as a leader, and the same, in a weird way, could be said for my time in fitness right. So I've experienced like these rejections for like being in my leadership do you know what I mean? And being like authentic in that, and so this like last weekend really came it like, came full circle to me that I've been and still am in that authority and like the specific gifting I have And like I was really in a place to receive that as truth. Do you know?

Speaker 2:

Okay, anyway, and anytime, anytime you know there's a rejection, we know that that's a redirection.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and protection right, and so I would not have been in the space to receive any of that and really feel that and receive it and accept it, had we not been going through these weeks, months, years. What have you been going through? I'm like, ah, okay, all right, let's go back home to the fantasy factory. Guys, we got this. All is right in the world. Oh, my God, rachel, can you believe it? Every time we do this it's like magical. And then we're always like we're not doing this again.

Speaker 2:

And then immediately say yes, we'll be there next year.

Speaker 1:

See you later. Well, listen, not to be tacky, but to be fully tacky. There's no one else I'd rather do this with. I love you, i'm very proud of you And I'm so grateful to be like on this wild ride with you.

Speaker 2:

Same, honestly, like I really I wouldn't, i just wouldn't do this without you And just not interested. Same Hahaha.

Speaker 1:

Cool, see you at the next one. What can I say? Bye, bye.