Spill Your Guts! with Rachel and Mandi

27- The Power of Intention: Overcoming Post-Retreat Blues

Mandi Holden and Rachel Prairie Season 2 Episode 27

Can you believe it's already been a week since our unforgettable women's retreat? We're still buzzing with excitement from the magical experiences we shared, like witnessing the awe-inspiring Northern Lights and laughing until our sides hurt with our incredible retreat sisters. Join us as we reminisce about the connections, laughter, and lessons learned during this once-in-a-lifetime adventure.

But what happens after the retreat? How do we take what we learned and integrate it into our everyday lives? With the help of Rachel's insight, we dive into the post-retreat blues and discuss ways to overcome them. We also touch on the challenges of ADHD, executive function, and how to support one another in our collective growth.

As we continue to explore our retreat experience, we open up about navigating personal growth, grief, and the guilt we sometimes feel when prioritizing our own health and wellness. We discuss the importance of seeking professional help, utilizing holistic wellness practices, and embracing the power of intention. Don't miss our heartfelt conversation on self-awareness, validation, and the journey towards holistic well-being.


Reflections on a Women's Retreat


Integrating Post-Retreat Experiences


Understanding ADHD and Executive Dysfunction


Navigating Personal Growth and Grief


Navigating Adult ADHD and Holistic Wellness


Holistic Wellness and Professional Help

Connect w/us on Instagram @spillyourguts_podcast_

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, we made it so far.

Speaker 2:

I promised everybody I wasn't going to make my weird sounds.

Speaker 1:

I did it. I don't know why I decided to hold my breath. I was like she's really going for it.

Speaker 2:

That's okay, we appreciate the beats. Oh my gosh, rachel Dawn Hello.

Speaker 1:

Summer. I already declared it summer. Okay, it's June.

Speaker 2:

Listen officially In Reno right now it's still trying to sputter out some like weird snow, rain, cold weather again. but I resist fully.

Speaker 1:

Well, when I was on Marcy's podcast, hey, shout out Wild Sage, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, the weather was wild and Jesse was upset.

Speaker 2:

No, not Jesse the male Virgo over here I'm going to say I just won 85 degrees, that's it. Oh, 85 is good. Yeah, i appreciate that. Oh, my gosh, listen. Okay. So here we are. It's approaching summertime, we're feeling the vibes. We just got done last week, sharing our adventures of our retreat, our big retreat of the year, and, to be honest with you, i'm still not over it.

Speaker 1:

I'm not either, Things kind of just keep. I'll just be, like you know, typing away and then like something will just like pop into my brain And I'm like, Oh yeah, that happened.

Speaker 2:

Right, i kind of like have just been dropping the fact that we saw the Northern Lights just like flex, oh absolutely, you know, just like in casual. I just like bring it up when it like doesn't make sense. You know what I mean. Like people be talking about, like you know, spring allergies, and I'm like, well, you know it isn't a spring allergy. Aurora Borealis, and you know who saw it Me last week, minnesota. Sorry, not sir.

Speaker 1:

It was also we did shares of our funny moments. It was also the moment I'm not going to say who, but someone in our group. Okay, so a chef. Angela is a true artist We've talked about this She, I like to imagine her like, like skipping around her kitchen, like throwing flower.

Speaker 2:

Dude like Matilda. Do you remember the movie Matilda when she was like making pancakes? That's how I imagine.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and so we had all this like super, like rich, like fiber food, like we were lots of cool.

Speaker 2:

I know where you're going with this.

Speaker 1:

We were eating like cleans, And so we were all you know who you are out there, shout out our system. We'll have her on the podcast. Our systems were all stirred up. You know high functioning digestion.

Speaker 2:

It was very, very abundant.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. We were like all staring at the Northern, yeah, staring at the majesty Having a moment Like who are we? Why are we here? And she backs away from the group To fart. And she was like I just parted so hard My cheeks clapped. It was actually pretty impressive And I'm pretty sure I peed my pants like for real on the drive back, but we're not going to talk about that.

Speaker 2:

What were other? do you have any other funny moments? funny moments that you didn't get to share last week. Kayla, who is our massage energy cupping Magical girl?

Speaker 1:

Yes, She hurt her and I had so many funny, just little side effects. She hurt her and I had so many funny just little sidebar moments or like just kind of like looks over at each other, but I really we had. We decided to like go it onto the point. So there's an actual like peninsula Right, that's why it's called the point. So we were walking out there and she was like, hey, do you want to see a beaver house? And I was like, absolutely I do.

Speaker 2:

Just like, no hesitation, like of course I do, do I?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we go out to the point. And Rachel Jordan, i can't remember a bunch of other women were already out there. I was like what are you guys doing out here? I was like are you looking for the beavers?

Speaker 2:

And of course Rachel was like I got a beaver, i'm sure that's one of my favorite moments from last week that I don't remember if I shared. So if I did, it did it out. But Rachel K, shout out wherever you are listening. Girl, she was my first trainer. Guys, i did share this last week, i think she was. She was my first trainer and she came out to join us And there was a moment there is a moment every year at women's retreat, up at the point where we, you know, get a bonfire going and we howl at the moon a little bit and everybody just gets, you know, a little loose Fun times.

Speaker 2:

At the point And somebody was playing music and they started playing Bakery Boys And of course we all start singing along in the unison and Rachel being the, you know, amazing beautiful lesbian woman that she is, she starts she's, like you know giving everybody a little wild show And the women went nuts And I just it happens everywhere we go. It doesn't matter if they're straight, married, got a boyfriend, anybody, they all fall in love with her. She becomes the like focal woman everywhere we go. And sure enough, it happened at the point and they were hooting and hollering and she's just doing this whole strip tease to Bakery Boys And I was like you can hear me on the video I took. I was like I'm so embarrassed. I bring you here to Minnesota to meet my nice classy friends. Here you are just throwing yourself around, and she loved it. It was a fave. It was a fave moment.

Speaker 1:

It was so good. So I just keep having like little little. And then, of course, mariah had was our photographer and just like I was kind of just going through some of the pictures she sent And I was like she just there was a few moments where I was like oh, or like things. I was like, oh, i didn't know that happened, because you're like doing something else Yeah. So it was. I've just kind of it's just keeps kind of popping into my brain.

Speaker 2:

Totally, It's perfect, because what we're going to talk about today is like everybody hears us talk about. These retreats are different. Like you know, events that we get to go to or encourage people out there to find and go to like, for example, this coming up weekend, I happened to know of someone called earthen iron wellness. Let's just have a moment for a shout out. Oh, she didn't know I was gonna do this but I'm fully gonna do it.

Speaker 2:

Why am I blushing? Because my girl, coach Rachel of Earth and Iron Wellness, is hosting her first full moon sound bowl event this weekend in St George. It's a free event but it is sold out. So sorry, not sorry. Ha, ha, ha ha. Really quick, can you give everybody a little sample Of what you're gonna be doing this weekend as you launch your wellness fitness woo, woo business? I'm the proudest fucking Kris Jenner friend you've ever had. Ha, ha, ha ha.

Speaker 1:

I'm actually really excited and I have to. I have a confession to make right now.

Speaker 2:

No, these are my convictions.

Speaker 1:

And I think I probably would have just kind of kept pushing it like the next full moon, like I kind of just kept pushing it off until Mandy, like without hesitation, like I told her, i was like I'm gonna do this. You know, i'm like looking at the salt room, she's like I'll be there And I was like, well, shit, he's coming in the down. Now I have to commit to a date. Yes, oh, my God, i didn't know that. So I was just kind of like, you know, just dabbling, and maybe I might do this thing. And then here we are.

Speaker 2:

So I'll be, i'll be there, i will be there with bells on literally.

Speaker 1:

I'm excited and she's my hips and some friend and actually some trainer friends from Nevada that we both have in common that are also part of until death collective are going to come in too.

Speaker 1:

But I started kind of thinking about because I want to do a quick grounding like why are we doing this? Why are we doing this? What is it? And really, what I was digging into, this strawberry full moon, like the theme kind of came up of like the juiciness of it And I was like ooh, like kind of the abundance and the harvesting and, like you know, getting moved, getting your energy moved into the next thing, like this particular moon. It's not going to be like a soft entry. It's like if there's something on your mind that you want to come around, like hopefully you've been aligning yourself to it, because we know manifestation doesn't just happen Like I want this, and then it shows up the next day Like you have to make moves to align with that, yes, and but this particular one, if you have been, it is going to. You're going to hit the gas like you're going to come right out of the gate sprinting full charge at this next step.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh. you know what I love that you're sharing this, because when this particular episode airs, it's going to be after, And so I will be excited to hear back from listeners maybe who aren't aware, who listen to this and go Oh my gosh, because it's going to be like a week or so after the moon. And they might recognize the energy they're in after they've listened to this and have we'll be able to kind of like look around and notice some like ignitions maybe in their life.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That's cool. Well, i'm so super proud of you and can't wait to see you take your all your freaking mastery of coaching to the next level with, like, the spiritual side too, because it's who you are.

Speaker 1:

It's it, we're here. I was just talking to on Marcie's podcast about being a mod of the. I'm out of the closet, i'm out here.

Speaker 2:

I love it. What's perfect? because when we get on our podcast and we're talking about all these experiences we're having, you know, books, we're reading videos, we're watching things, we're learning with each other. Also the things that we get to experience at retreats and then also at these sort of like different events we get to go to, like your sound bowl event that you're having this weekend. But, like you know, if anybody gets to start dabbling and sort of dipping their toe in these things, like what do you do after, right, so so that's kind of what this episode is about. As we were kind of, you know, chatting about, okay, like we got to share our retreat, you know recap, but what now? right, Like people always kind of wonder like, well, what happens after You?

Speaker 2:

kind of go up, you have this mountaintop experience, whether you're at a retreat or you're just like an event or something, or even if you're just at home and you have sort of a revelation and you feel really good and, like you say juicy for a couple of days where everything's just like feeling really, really good. Like how do you take that information and like integrate it into your life? Like, how do you implement? Like like I don't know if you guys can relate to this. But I am sort of like guilty of like learning a bunch of stuff or, like you know, absorbing a lot of information, listening to audiobooks, listening to podcasts, listening to YouTube stuff And I'm like, oh, that's so good, that's so good, that's so good, and then that's all. That's as far as it goes, and I feel like I'm so super smart and like very impressed with myself, until I have to be honest later and realize like okay, but I didn't actually like do the thing or whatever.

Speaker 2:

So I think that is kind of a barrier that people come up against, and I know we shared last year about the realities of post retreat blues. Yeah, that's a thing. It's kind of like, you know, reentry is a little rough, so I want to talk about that. What do you think about reentry after you know events, mountain top experiences, and what have you learned? you know, and your I mean, how long have we been at this thing?

Speaker 2:

I mean at least three years, like we're just now out of the closet right, but we've been doing this thing for a few years, so like in our little teeny, tiny expertise, like, what does that look like for you?

Speaker 1:

Well, i do, i do the same thing, especially as a trainer and a coach. I kind of hide behind it a little bit like oh, i'm learning all these things to then apply to somebody else, like I don't really have to Like.

Speaker 2:

this is for my toolbox.

Speaker 1:

Exactly Like this is career development, like I always try to put it under that bucket.

Speaker 2:

That's interesting. Do you think that that is a way that you've had to like kind of approach it, to allow yourself permission to lean into it?

Speaker 1:

Oh, oh, yeah, for sure, for sure. Because what's crazy is that, like, like I took a bunch of notes on my phone actually, because we have these beautiful kind of like workbooks and places to take notes And then I started to dissect it how I would if I got a certification or went to a training workshop, right, right, and picking the things that excited me most.

Speaker 1:

So like right now, but I found myself this year for the first time. It's what's interested me most for myself, and I don't know if that's happened The main one for me was Dr Christon's presentation on hormones in particular, like all of the different phases that we go through, because that's something that I've been trying to figure out and manage. And out of that, looking around the room and having little sidebar conversations, realizing a lot of other women in that particular area are so frustrated not finding the care that they need. Being kind of brushed off is something else.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like just dismissed with kind of bandaid type answers. When women, in their intuition, know something deeper is going on, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And it's that same thing that I've kind of that's why this is 40. I came in so hot because it's kind of like this act against this. I feel like I always have to pick a fight, you know, but I'm just like I need to have a deeper understanding for myself because my body, i feel very disconnected from my body lately, like it's doing things that I don't really understand. And to see other women honestly in tears Like several women were in tears because they were so frustrated, because they weren't feeling good and no one would listen It just like it was very validating Because for me, i had all the symptoms but had no idea that that's what it was.

Speaker 2:

Right, which is so cool of you. Honestly, it's so important for you, like somebody in your position, with your platform, to like be able to talk openly and honestly about that, because you're right, like everybody in that room, even me right now, i'm like shaking my head, yes, because, like, we can all resonate with that, especially like as we get start to get older and things are changing And you know what I mean And it's like anybody could look at you and be like, oh my gosh. Well, she's like she's this big buff trainer looking at her shoulder balls. She doesn't understand any of this, but it's so like cool not cool that you're also frustrated, right, but it's cool to know that we're not alone in that And that is something that we're all sort of trying to navigate. So, yes, thank you for that. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

And that was like your biggest personal takeaway.

Speaker 1:

That was my biggest one, and then my Enneagram stuff that I've kind of been. Now that it's there's something that maybe that's probably true for everyone. But, like, when someone can label something for me, then I can. Then I start seeing it everywhere. You know what I mean Like. Or like the impact of it, or the impact of not being an empowered eight or being in a situation where, like, i can apply it better. So it was also like bringing awareness to and labeling things So I could use the things that I learned about it like in the moment. So it's also kind of created like a pause for me. Like I feel like this week and last week I was moving so slow because I just felt like I wanted to make more deliberate and impactful.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah Like it'd be intentional Yes. Yes, so would you say like if we could go back and tell, like our pre, you know our post retreat selves or you know former retreat selves, right, like a play by play of like, ok, but listen, after you're done with this you're going to get real bummed out and sad because it's over. You're going to get real fucking bummed out and sad that you have to go back to emails and life.

Speaker 2:

And that is totally normal. And do you feel like this year, like you gave yourself permission to be slow? Yes, instead of jumping right back into life like full speed and like giving yourself like permission to do that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's exactly what it was. I just and I think we kind of acknowledged it to in our last day like, hey, remember, like let's anticipate this thing is going to happen. And then, you know, i love to, even our WhatsApp chat is still going. We're sharing things, we're encouraging each other. We're out here buying Rachel's clothes like shout out label free athleticscom.

Speaker 2:

I'm plugging everybody's shit out here. Follow Earth and Iron Wellness Patty Bandwagon. Follow everybody.

Speaker 1:

So it's been good And it just like I said. it was. it just I was almost frustrated by how slow I was moving, because I was like I have to get things done. You're like, come on, bitch, let's go. But at the same time it was just kind of keep coming back to like my why, like why I'm doing any of this. you know, like I especially moving into my own business again Totally, i feel.

Speaker 2:

I feel like, too, like I could agree with you on that like allowing myself, which is not just a retreat conversation right, it's a, it's a woman conversation. Sorry, jesse, i'm sure this applies to you as well. I still do it.

Speaker 2:

But I really just like when I started to feel myself sort of like fall into that mindset of feeling guilty about all the stuff that hadn't gotten done, because I was gone for a week And like the usual like shame spiral, i would do over like not having that all accomplished, like I was really more aware of that, i think, this year than any other year, and trying to like identify it And instead, when it was happening, and be like no, no, no, i'm not going to do that. You know, like it's fine if this and that isn't done Actually nobody else cares but me because it's like weird invisible pressure I feel have this all done? because there's this weird invisible guilt that I have for doing something for myself.

Speaker 2:

And that is not a retreat, specific feeling that women struggle with. I think that's just like a feeling in general that a lot of women struggle with when they are like taking time for themselves or like investing money on themselves that like doesn't have anything to do with anything, like, yeah, we feel like we need to justify and reason and, like you know, like convince the committee of people around us that don't pair bills. Yeah, that like we are responsible, like what in the hell is that about? I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, because that's what I do, that like that's the same reason that I kind of go out and like collect all these certifications and stuff, like yes, i'm interested, but like for some reason, like if I just want it, like like the Duke program worked and pay for it, i found it, i applied, i got like it's the first thing I paid, like I paid for it, it's the first thing where I was like man, it just it hits different when you're doing it for differ yourself.

Speaker 2:

Yes, for yourself and of your own, like your own resources and strength, and you know all that It's very empowering.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it really is, i would.

Speaker 2:

I would say that for me, as we've been like integrating and implementing all the things, because you kind of feel again with that like layer of guilt that comes in, i think it's also a trap to be like okay, well, i'm back in my life and I'm not being intentional every moment about like this thing that I learned, or like, oh yeah, i forgot about the any Ram thing and you've got there can be shame about that too.

Speaker 2:

Like you know, taking everything you've learned and applying it and like going balls to the wall. So I want to like put that out there too, that like all the things that you collect at events or you know even books, you read even this podcast, anything you know you might be surprised what is just meant to sort of get tucked away for later, and so like the pressure to put on yourself is where we get into trouble, because that's when we start to feel that shame and guilt and weirdness. And then often we'll stop doing the thing and like, because we don't want to, we want to avoid the discomfort of like, oh well, i learned all that stuff and I never opened that book again or whatever.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I really honestly never know when it will come up which is the perfect segue to share what my takeaway has been post retreat.

Speaker 2:

We shared about all those beautiful things that we learned up there, amazing facilitators, blah, blah, blah. But you want to know what's been running my life for the past week since I've been home is really having a profound revelation that I am and I've not been officially diagnosed, but we have to talk about it. I 100% would put money on the fact that I have ADHD And there is like a whole conversation we need to have about that because, you know, this is the art. We call it our era of discovery. But I also think that right now and this could be, you know, something we come back to and have like maybe a full episode about later, but this is just for, like you know, our faithful peeps who follow and listen every week, who care about, like us literally spilling our guts about our lives and rambling on right, and we really try to show up to this as authentically as possible. So, like you know I mean, unless it's, like you know, not safe for the masses we're pretty much sharing everything out here, guys. Like we're really not trying to like, just share the like you know, shiny bits we're also sharing the weird stuff.

Speaker 2:

So I have been, you know, really aware that, like, the more and more I learn about neurodivergence, particularly with ADHD, i'm like, whoa, that's totally me. That's totally me. But you, would, you, would you feel comfortable sharing? I don't know if that's okay, but you kind of like had it all click into place for me, like from a third person point of view, that now that we're home and I am integrating like some of my revelations, i'm just like I it's got me kind of deep in my thoughts. So, share your perspective and and let's talk about this Spill your guts on why I'm insane. Okay, bye.

Speaker 1:

Well, so I kind of like the, the person that I'm dating Poopsie shout out has ADHD, like diagnosed, was on medication when he was younger, wasn't for him, like, which is common for a lot of people, but there are, because I just I love him so much and you get so frustrated and I was like you know, i don't really like, i don't know, i don't feel like equipped to support you in this area, like so Because he gets frustrated. You said it gets right like the world. Okay, yeah, i resonate in the world tracks like like can't And he's. And he said some things which, now that I've learned more about ADHD ADHD between which I still have to send you that doctor that has done like 30 years it's like his life's work Oh, that's awesome, i'm sitting ADHD.

Speaker 1:

But I also joined this little like support group, which is hilarious all by itself because everyone has ADHD but me. Discovery within the group. Also all men very interesting, oh no, you didn't share that with me really, yeah, all men And they and I'm just a kind of I told them I'm like hey, just, you know, i'm just like a quiet observer.

Speaker 2:

I pause, i have to interrupt you right there because I, since I've been home, been doing a little digging around And that's fascinating to me because actually especially women in like our demographic, like our generation it's not so uncommon now with the younger zillennials, right, because this is more of a conversation but often, often women would be totally missed being diagnosed as kids 100%, and that is kind of starting to freak me out the more I dig into it. So, yeah, sorry, go ahead. So that's an interesting piece.

Speaker 1:

And so, in short, just learning that it is a full dis, it's dysregulation, like especially that, like even the ADHD is not even the. They, like some of the doctors, wish it was called something else because it's a dysregulation. It's a full like executive. They call it an executive function disability, so like there's parts of your brain that do not and cannot work like other people's.

Speaker 2:

And that is how they diagnose it, or what?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so the diagnosis is like all the. It's changed a lot, but like there's different. There's essentially like tests that you can do because that you can take, but a lot of it was like these things that I kept like labeling for you, like time blindness.

Speaker 2:

Well, hold on, i'm going to read the actual definition of executive function. Okay, so that we can understand what executive dysfunction means, because this is what I'm just learning. So executive functions, it says incognitive science and neuro psychology. Executive functions are a set of cognitive processes that are necessary for the cognitive control of behavior, selecting and successfully monitoring behaviors that facilitate the attainment of chosen goals. So it's, it's basically the inability to operate from that space the way everyone else does.

Speaker 1:

Yes, which is makes the world a very frustrating place. So like time by less, like losing track of time, not knowing how long things will take, disorganization or organizing in a way that doesn't make sense to other people, like if I looked at it I would be like what the hell? But like to the ADHD person, it is like perfectly Yeah.

Speaker 2:

How it's like I know exactly what's in my doom piles.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and really talking about like the ability to learn how to regulate and things like making sure you eat, making sure you drink water, going to sleeping is an issue. Sense sensory is really big. Like that's something that I've noticed with the person that I'm dating is like I'm like physical touch is my love language, so like I always want a hand, a foot, something we have to be touching, and sometimes he's like this is too much, like he can't, he's like no, so, and then of course, i'd be like wait, what? Like of course I don't understand Right, and all I'm saying is a sensory issue. We're just like anything else.

Speaker 1:

Like like really, social settings are super exhausting. Yeah, so I I started like applying and with trying not to overwhelm my boyfriend with all this new infertile maybe shame, because I told him to. I was like listen, i'm really fast, i'm learning all this stuff, so I'm sharing it with you. But like I also recognize, like I don't want to make you feel bad because you operate differently in this world, so like if it's just tell me, because he's been learning some too, i wish he could join my group is through like my insurance at work which is so cool.

Speaker 2:

Actually shout out to all insurances that provide preventative, supportive health. Yeah, may we manifest more of that. Thank you, amen.

Speaker 1:

It's good. The program is you get eight therapy sessions or eight group, eight groups, eight coachy life, life coaching sessions And then that's dope as hell. No, yeah, it's a. Really it's all. It's all app based. It's really cool Called modern health. But I I noticed, and I noticed at the retreat Mandy was exhibiting similar.

Speaker 2:

She was like Hey, wait a minute.

Speaker 1:

Symptoms, as you might say, as my boyfriend, and so I started applying my regulation techniques to Mandy all weekend.

Speaker 2:

Which was funny. It was funny because she's like wait, am I dating Mandy? I know exactly.

Speaker 1:

I was like, oh no, but what was really crazy is the the first night. I mean, i was like I'm just going to pop over to talk to Krista about something real quick. And I was like okay, and we all went to bed. And then I woke up an hour later. I'm like, oh, she's not back. Normal, normal for Mandy To I get up again. Like two hours later I was like, okay, let me just send her a quick text, right? No response. Text for Krista No response. I'm like, okay, back to sleep, i get up again to pee. And then I was like, okay, clearly she's been eaten by a bear. She was concerned. I'm so.

Speaker 2:

I feel very honored and seen that you were concerned, i was eaten, and then it turns out there was a bear wandering around There was, so actually I shouldn't joke about that, because there was, but you were like time blindness, which she was right. No idea, she texted me. She goes get back here right now. You're going to be exhausted tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

I'm like I'm going to be okay, and then it was kind of the joke, but then it wasn't right Cause then I got home and I did like a deep dive, as we do, and you know, i had somebody else really special up at the point, who I won't name, who also like shared with me her ADHD journey, which she had been like diagnosed as a teenager, and it was just like you know, it kind of became like this you know thing I was thinking about.

Speaker 2:

So then of course, we come back right And part of it was like I'm like, i'm like, i'm like, i'm like, i'm like I'm like super intense. And then, of course, we come back right and part of the integration is like following the breadcrumbs of the things that stand out to you, and that's like the whole point of why I wanted to talk about it on this episode is because I think that, like You know, worth it, yeah, you know, whether we come home and we just like completely like check out and never like revisit any of stop the themes again and then feel guilty about it.

Speaker 2:

Or we do the complete opposite pendulum swing of like putting so much and then we burn out and like become uninterested in any of it. You know what I mean. Like I feel like addressing that and talking about it and normalizing that would make like maybe a little less pressure on people as they embark on this journey and kind of dabble with different events or even a retreat if if they feel called to one. But I was surprised by the grief that I started to feel And I thought it was really important to talk about that on the podcast, because you know what It could be that everybody's gonna watch me spill my guts and kind of decide the next moves to make on this journey, because it's so obvious to me now Like I'm like there's just some things I can't deny.

Speaker 2:

But then when I'm looking into it and I'm noticing all the attributes and the different things, there's some, like the funny ones of being scattered or brained or whatever. But then there's like not funny ones right About, like which you have empathy for and compassion because your partner right, you're learning how to best support your partner, which sidebar is dope as hell to like go out of your way to like learn his love language and meet him where he's at, and I feel like that's just a great example to all of how we can show up for our partner but not take responsibility for their thing.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes I feel like is a really healthy example of like how to like understand and be supportive and like learn and do without becoming weirdly like codependent or like taking on responsibilities that don't belong to you, which so kudos Cause. I think that's a really big deal And I think that's because that's how you are. It was like such a healthy approach And like I was really impressed by that Kind of like, encouraged me to lean more into it And now I'm like, oh my gosh, my life's blown up, but like in the best way. But the element of grief is interesting because, you know, i probably might be the not be the only one out here sitting at age 40 with doom piles and like behaviors that I'm like low key, ashamed about, that could like be seriously actually explained by a legitimate thing, and I am experiencing some grief around that And, you know, starting to ask myself like, well, oh, i don't want to get emotional, but do it for the podcast right, spill your guts, it's real.

Speaker 2:

But it's kind of like hard thinking back of like how different could things have been if I had had like different support, you know, or if this had been caught earlier on as a kid, or if I could have known earlier.

Speaker 2:

like that's really tough, and so I think it's important to talk about and be vulnerable about in the age of like people just now feeling safe to talk about mental health and talk about these things. Like you know, if that's you, if you resonate with that, or maybe like it's not ADHD, maybe you're thinking like, geez, i've been like seriously depressed for a long time and this could be like actually a clinical thing And maybe I need to see somebody. Like maybe, maybe I need, like it could be anything right, it could be like as simple as like I might have very serious hormone dysfunction that I need to go see somebody about because I really really don't feel good, and like we, particularly as women, will push all that stuff away right, just like with coming home from a retreat. Right, like feeling guilty that I spent too much money on myself or that I went away and left my family to fend for themselves for four days, or whatever. Like all the ways we feel guilty about ourselves.

Speaker 2:

Like the health and wellness stuff is often like the last on our priority list, because we are often last on our priority list, and so I just really wanted to like share that, like embarking on a journey of like figuring out what this means. You know, like I really have been sitting and thinking, well, like I've got live my whole life this way. If, if I, you know, make this official and there's, like you know, medication and stuff involved, like would that change who I am? Is that weird? I don't know Like I got to find my own support group. Maybe you got to like face time me in with the boys next time.

Speaker 1:

I believe. I believe because it's the same. It's the same thing And, like I said, i was trying not to overwhelm my boyfriend either with my discovery. doesn't mean it's his discovery, you know he's like yeah, that's so good.

Speaker 1:

But it really like this. This one particular doctor was very much because I am very resistant to doctors and medication and all of that. So, even going like, i try to do things as my last resort, which is why, like after years of not feeling good, looking back in hindsight and realizing, oh, like I also could have probably, you know, address this sooner and felt better. But he was very much like an advocate. He said that the medication now he's like it's come a long way that it works so well for like 80 to 90% of adults. Also, paired with like his menu of options, like daily movement, is an absolute must for regularly.

Speaker 1:

Yes, also, like he has kind of this list you know even things like Jesse's going to laugh because I'm about to talk about my whiteboard But like making a list and putting it somewhere where you have to pass by every day, like literally have to stumble over it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's in your view. So like there's just so many things. But I do feel like I personally other people aren't, but I'm very resistant And in this case, like from my all my knowledge that I've been learning, i, i would absolutely explore it And I really think I know you don't feel a suede, and my boyfriend doesn't either, but it is an absolute super power too.

Speaker 2:

I'm so glad you said that, because that was the next thing I was going to say is that, like, as much as I kind of got like bummed out, it wasn't because that's like a part of me, it was just it was more of like grieving, like man, if I would have been able to like understand this earlier, i might have been able to accomplish things differently or on a different timeline. You know what I'm saying. But that is where drum roll, faith comes in. Fuck 2023 or the year folks you're seeing it play out. live in real time And my life, if we decided to do that again, which we will, which we will. but this is a prime example of how your word that you choose, of intention, like follows you and unfolds differently all year long as a treat from your last yourself. But no, having faith that, like you know, like sort of having this revelation and the interest to follow this, you know bread crumb, and like I have to trust that this timing is right. right, but because we are in the woo, woo space, right, and we are talking about wellness and its fullness, right, that includes spirituality, mindfulness, emotional health, relational health, social health, as well as physical health, nutritional health, right, like we're talking about all these things because that's what we're passionate about, that's what this podcast is about. So it was really important for me to share that. like as much as I believe in, like you know, my using tarot for my daily practice and meditating, and you know the different ways that people practice contemplation or prayer or meditation and energy work is huge. Like I am a Reiki master and I believe in Reiki, healing and energy work as a part of a whole holistic view of wellness, right, and so it's important for me to talk about this on this podcast because I would never want anybody to think that, like in the spiritual space, like medical care should be swerved around Right, like no shade to anybody who's.

Speaker 2:

like no, energy is all we need. Sometimes you don't, sometimes it's energy work with a therapist, you know. Sometimes it's, you know, practicing mindfulness, meditation, all the tools that we're learning. but also you have to like team up with your doctor and your coach and whoever else. Like it really does take a village. like not trying to sound cheesy, but like you know some things we can't just like raw dog, we can't just like rely on, like YouTube and like things we're learning from you know our friends right, and so I just wanted to say that, because you know, having a platform is interesting and it's. I think sometimes it's easy to come across a certain way Like that we've got all our shit together and we've got, like you know, everything figured out and we just simply don't, and that is what the beauty of having this transparent space is about. So I wanted to thank you for your loving slash, bullying ways.

Speaker 3:

So, ladies, i just want to verify your conversation here because I'm on helpguideorg and what it is. It's a self help guide for adult ADHD and you guys pretty much nailed every point of dealing with these symptoms on a daily basis And on a more personal level.

Speaker 3:

Just full disclaimer I'm not diagnosed with ADHD, but I use, i think, the practices that I'm about to mention. They seem so common but I feel like they need to be reiterated. So on the exercise. So it says exercise need health, health healthfully right, vigorously, vigorous exercise, see, to get out the excess energy, get plenty of sleep. You guys didn't I don't think you brought up that one, but it was seven to nine hours. Well, she was concerned. I wasn't back in the cabin at three.

Speaker 2:

AM, so it was kind of what kicked it all off.

Speaker 3:

If you're a, whiteboard Rachel type person. You got to list everything, all the small tasks. So, and work on personal relationships, scheduling relationships, so I just wanted to give you guys some personal advice.

Speaker 1:

So I just wanted to give you guys some props, because you nailed this conversation.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, i do appreciate that And I feel very validated And also I'm so glad you said that it's a superpower, because as much as, like I said, i've been, but this is like brand new to me, like I've always joked about it, but now it's like not, i'm like okay, actually this is like been revealed And this is now like I'm responsible as like somebody's mom, to make sure that I am showing up as like the best version of myself, and so this opens up a whole other realm for me to investigate, right. But I'm also aware of like wow, this has actually been something that I've had all along that's helped me push through extreme scenarios and be able to like perform things and like accomplish things that like don't make sense, because I've had this like thing you kind of working behind the scenes for me. So I'm excited as much as I am like it's not like. I hope you guys know I'm not like feeling sorry for myself. It's not that, it's more of just like damn it.

Speaker 2:

I wish I would have been able to like kind of harness this information earlier. But again, faith right, but I'm excited to see, like, what is waiting for me as I sort of walk through. So I thank you for that because now you know I've spilled my guts about it and we can all be along on this journey as Mandy figures out how to be on time.

Speaker 3:

And I think with any individual, with any individual that's going through mental distress, validation is very important.

Speaker 2:

I would agree with you. That's why I wanted to share, you know, because that's what this podcast is about. We're spilling our guts and you know, sometimes it's not all. You know butterflies and roses and aurora borealis. You know what I'm saying. Sometimes it's a little more serious And, because of the nature of our podcast, it's important for me, integrity wise, to like, remind everybody.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we love crystals in our bras, we love tarot cards. I love a good, you know, guided meditation, words of affirmation, but, like all of those tools in your toolbox, in tandem with whatever else we, whatever other professional help we might need, that's not taboo, that is not a faux pas And I reject anyone who would suggest that that sounded aggressive for no reason. But I just it's really important to say that because I feel like I'm probably not the only one out there having these thoughts. So thank you also to Poopsie for allowing us to, like you know, have this conversation And you know that was the era of discovery And Rachel is turns out is a great ADHD mom because I was very dehydrated most of the time. So thank you for that And listen people out there if you are going to embark on a retreat journey or a sound bowl event near you.

Speaker 2:

Maybe you're in St George, utah, you know June 3rd, maybe you swing by. It's sold out, but I'd share a yoga mat with your ass. So come on through, make sure to follow everybody and join us next week for our season.