Spill Your Guts! with Rachel and Mandi

15- Recapping this Spill your Guts Season

Mandi Holden Season 1 Episode 15

In this episode, Mandi and Rachel celebrate the season finale of the first season of the Spill Your Guts Podcast.  Topics covered by our hosts today include the revolution of the term "Reluctant Pilgrim", Habit Stacking, and the War Party Movement charity organization. 

  • [01:20] Our hosts talk about how ironic the last episode of the season fell on the same day as the last full moon of the year and reiterate how personal "downward spirals" seem to always result in everything being ok.
  • [6:56] Mandi discusses how she already felt the positive energy  being created over the past two weeks by her Word of Intention, and describes the benefit of having hard conversations with loved ones has shown true purpose. Rachel relates to this by commiting to the "speak it into existence" pratice.
  • [12:17] New Years Revolutions vs. Intentions, Rachel explains how she teaches the mindset of "everyday being a new year".  This practice may apply to multiple aspects of the individual's life;....not just fitness!
  • [15:04] Our hosts discuss the term Habit Stacking. This is the process of of integrating small fullfilling practices in an individual's daily routine to create more efficiency in one's life.
  • [33:46] What is the War Party Movement? Rachel describes a new charity organization that benefits Green Berets and promotes individuals to get moving for the New Year!
  • [41:35] Mandi's loved one reminds Rachel and our audience to focus in a certain area.  "As we move forward into this new year;  we need to make sure that our decisions, our energy, and our focus or are not taking us away from the things that are most important to us."

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Speaker 1:

I feel good, i'm jumping in first. I'm jumping in first.

Speaker 2:

She's saying really, oh my god, it's a Christmas miracle.

Speaker 3:

Rachel's saying new hair, don't care, i'm opening this bitch today.

Speaker 2:

I wish you guys could see us One of these days. we're going to get cool. We're going to have video to go along with our podcast, but if you guys could see what I'm looking at right now, you'd see a goddess, a Pisces brunette dream boat flipping her hairs around. She just came from a fresh cut and she's feeling herself. She said.

Speaker 3:

I'm starting this episode bitch Bless.

Speaker 1:

You're gorgeous, Just yell bless at me. I was like, oh, you're a listener.

Speaker 2:

Dude, i love it And the reluctant pilgrim thing is legit. We're in a. It's a lifestyle really. Hi, here we are, welcome to. We did it, but barely.

Speaker 1:

We're wrapping up the year And full moon It's a full moon. When this air is, it's a full moon.

Speaker 2:

Yes, tonight is the last full moon of the year. It is our last Spill Your Guts episode of the year I got to get in as many sound effects. I know I'm going to put you on probation soon. So you better use them wisely.

Speaker 1:

Try your tears Listen. I'll be back soon.

Speaker 2:

We'll be back soon. Yes, no, we got. We're coming back. We got to do too much stuff going on Not to share with you guys. We're on a, we're on a momentum and we're we're just hanging on for this ride, right along with you guys. So, thank you If you're, if you're still with us after all these episodes. We we love you, dude. We had I feel like we had a big week. Last week We shared our 2023 words of intention. You know, we're just wrapping it up. Now We're wrapping up the 2022. It's the season finale.

Speaker 1:

It is And you know what? As a result, classic us. we put things out in the world and then we spiral and then everything's okay.

Speaker 2:

I'm so glad you said that because, dude, we we got pretty real on this on the the past couple of weeks, sharing like how our, like our reflection on the year and like the letter to do that Letter to our, to our letter.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, i'm sorry, i'm swearing, still after all these episodes but like I got, i got. I was twisted up and I didn't really know it until I confessed to you Same.

Speaker 2:

No, it's true, Listen, i'm so like. I'm so glad we had at least one more episode planned because I feel like the past two were so heavy And I love us for sort of pushing each other to show up even though it was heavy and kind of push through the discomfort and like talk about it and be real about it, because I think that's what's going on with like all of our friends who are listening to, and I'm so happy we had one more episode because I was just telling her right before we started, like I feel so good this week. I'm finally feeling like I'm feeling like festive, ready for the holidays, like hopeful, joyful, a little lighter, like I really feel like we kind of forced each other to like really face and work through some hard stuff And God, the clarity and everything is worth it, and isn't that the like work?

Speaker 1:

Isn't that what all this is? It's the best feeling and to like you and I, even like Hey, if we can't, if we're committed to this, like we only want people in our lives that we really give a shit about, we only want to work on things that like bring us energy, and you and I kind of like had some heart to hearts and it was, and it was kind of like calling each other out, like Hey, if we're not a safe space, like you and me, like we got, we got problems. like what are we doing this whole?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So we were spilling our guts?

Speaker 2:

Yes, Yes, news alert. What do you call?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

We might have to pause here.

Speaker 2:

Nope, what's the word? I want News flash. We work through it. It was news break, news flash. It all ended up great. I just feel like I think that okay. So a couple weeks ago we talked about like the difference between being like people seeing us as intense, which is actually really truly intimacy, like we talked about that And I think that sometimes I get a little gun shy because I get so intense and passionate with how I feel And when I like blurt that out to people, i'm so used to that being like creating conflict, right, and I have such a fear that that will like push that person away. And so when we were like really spilling our guts on this podcast and off the podcast, i felt like Oh no, there it goes. I scared her away, that's it. Throw in the towel and say with you, and it was just not that way, you know.

Speaker 1:

And I and I just like it's so refreshing to me that I feel like people I have around me right now, And one I can like, really show up as intense or intimate as. I am, but I also like have expressed to people that I'm working on that or like working on owning it And they really reassure me that you're not too much Yeah. Like if you were, I wouldn't be here.

Speaker 1:

Or like if you were, you would send, so like they're actually encouraging me to like really do that and holding me accountable And I'm like shit. Yes, i'm screwed. I have all these people around me, all these coaches holding me accountable.

Speaker 2:

Hey, it's like do we mean what we say? Yes, we do, and we can't be. we can't be leading on a podcast called spill your guts and not be like putting our ass to the fire to do it. So I want to just publicly thank you, rachel Dawn, because you're you're a fucking real one. I'm lifting my Celsius to you. We're still waiting for that endorsement.

Speaker 1:

Happy New Year.

Speaker 2:

And then we got to. We got to share our words of intention last week.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm so excited, i feel like I've already begun the psychotic, like asking around of everybody in my life If they've been thinking about it, and I got to say I'm already starting to feel the energy of my words starting to pop up, because I've had already and I feel like, right, like we were just saying, once you work through like the kind of dark, heavy energies when you're feeling stuff, instead of numbing and avoiding and sort of bypassing hard times and feelings when they're happening, when you're just kind of forced to sit with them and sort through them and, you know, have hard conversations with people you love and do all the hard things that we talk about, it's like always on the other side, it's like clarity, breakthrough, amazingness, and I'm like wow, it always ends up this way every single time, like, so my word faith is going to be practicing, remembering that before I have evidence of it, because the evidence always comes Yes, it never fails That.

Speaker 2:

The hard thing or the scary thing, or the thing that seemed really painful or the thing that made me upset or angry, there's always a reason, there's always a purpose, there's always something you know.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm. I liked speaking it out loud because I'm always like if magnets my word and I try not to go too coachy right, like I don't want it to be this New Year's resolution situation that we should also. Oh my God, let's talk about that, yes, but I felt like as soon as I said it spoke it into existence, i got excited and wanted to start acting on it.

Speaker 1:

Yes, i want to be like okay, i'm doing this now Like I committed, i said it out loud and I'm in it. So I like I already started, like that's where.

Speaker 2:

Yes, like I feel like I've already moved into that energy and we've already been talking about how oh my gosh 2023. Let's go. I feel it, jesse, as a first time word of intention participant. Do you feel like your word is like aligning up for you and starting to create a path? What's?

Speaker 3:

super funny about this topic, as I went over our last episode because of what you were saying. I already want to change my word of the year.

Speaker 2:

So at least I got a couple of weeks. Hey, that's fair. That's fair. There's no rules.

Speaker 3:

Yeah Well, your guys' conversation inspired almost a new word for me just by listening to it twice. Oh, my goodness But but now I'm going to apply both. That's how I'm going to work on, but.

Speaker 2:

Well, let's. So, let's talk about that. Let's talk about okay, because there can be some pressure around new years, especially you, we know, being in like the fit, the fitness world, right, new year, new me, blah, and everybody has like opinions and there's like whole culture around like you know. Oh, the new, the new gym people in January, blah, blah, blah, which I used to hate PS as a former club manager, yeah, i used to really really hate that because a who cares? Right, like if people are excited and it takes a new year to get them excited, who cares? But also the real new year and this could be different in other places, but for, in my experience, the real new year and influx of people being like new year, new me, i'm ready doesn't even happen till March.

Speaker 1:

That is. Is that true everywhere? That is statistically accurate. I was actually just putting together some data about new year's resolutions because the place that I work at we actively did not want to use that as our message. This year. I was like, yes, finally like, let's get real.

Speaker 2:

Yes, well, because you know, the truth is people, people aren't going to be starting shit till after Super Bowl. That's the world, that's the real.

Speaker 1:

Well, and, and so it's something like 40% of adults like 18 plus make new year's resolutions every year when it comes to like, especially fitness. We we talk about wellness and health, and I'm talking about fitness specifically And then it's something like 20 to 25% have already quit in the first week, and then another like What, yes, in the first week, and like another 35% don't even make it past the first month. that I can. even that's from American College of Sports Medicine. like their founder, they've done the research.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So it's like, what are we doing?

Speaker 2:

Well, and it's tough, because I can understand why. you know, because it's like you know, like we're getting excited about, like energetically wrapping up 2022 and like setting new intentions for, you know, the upcoming year. So I get why people think that it's like a clean slate, but there's so much pressure. Yes, there's so much pressure. So what do you say as a coach, when people want to get real excited about new year's resolutions versus like setting intentions, what do you say is the difference?

Speaker 1:

I say that resolutions tend to create this chase or lack, coming from a place of lacking culture. Okay, so, in general, when I coach people, every like every day is a new year. Like I don't have to explain that, like there's oh my gosh, there's never one day you miss a workout. Or like got more flexible on your food, which is a whole another topic, because that also implies that there's a good and a bad, and there isn't like it's just you working on yourself And you can pick that up. You can set goals big and small anytime that you want, and also guess what? You don't even have to set goals. Fuck that. Like you really can just move forward, do what feels good. We know there are some like biological things that we have to do, like strength training is great, getting some sleep, drinking some water, eat some damn protein, but there's no like I think of it like mental health, there's no end date on fitness. Like you're going to do it forever. Yeah, so like that's, that's the intention, like we have to do it forever.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you kind of have to like make peace with that, that it's just like the way you live And then, like you know, when you find yourself like I, can I have no problem sharing this from like total first person perspective right now, like I've. I am aware that I am off the wagon currently as we sit here And I feel no pressure to like get back on a wagon and hurry up and try to be somebody And by the time 2023 starts, but I am aware that at any point, i can begin again and again and again, as many times as it takes a men, you know, because that's what I've made peace with, and but it's taken me a long time to like understand that.

Speaker 1:

That's my relationship with fitness right And it makes it And that that word peace is really interesting too, because we talk about this a lot like your wellness, in my opinion. this is my thing like it should feel calm and it should be coming from a place of peace, not like battling and hustling and trying to be somebody because you already are somebody. I know it took us a whole year to get to that.

Speaker 2:

And then, sister, we're putting everything on a shirt.

Speaker 1:

We got there. So like, be gentle, like be sweet with yourself, like you don't have to do this all or nothing. You already are enough, you already are somebody. So like, think about. I always think about like, maybe, instead of goals, like, how do you want to feel? Like for me, that's like I want my energy to be high and I want to feel strong, and so I do things that align with the feelings that works better for me.

Speaker 2:

It's like yes, because and I love how you said that that, like that other, the other way, like creates an energy of lack. Or it's like negative, because then you're just like constantly sort of like fighting yourself or in like a shame spiral about like what you didn't do, instead of like putting a reframe on it, like you're doing something good. It's not that I'm depriving myself of XYZ, it's that I want to feel energized, and I know that that over there might make me feel like crap, so right now I'm gonna skip it because I feel empowered to do that, and if I want it later I can have it. But doesn't that just feel better than being like no pizza? That's it.

Speaker 2:

What's matter?

Speaker 1:

Okay, it's true. It's true because we talk about this like I don't ever want people to feel like they're in deprivation. Like, like, take some inventory, what can you add? Like it's habit, stacking 101.

Speaker 2:

So, like what can you Ooh, ooh, ooh, explain to everybody what habit stacking is. That's an RDP like core value. I feel like Tell them what habit stacking is.

Speaker 1:

Habit stacking is just a habit they already have Drinking coffee, brushing your teeth, whatever it might be, and then adding a little like sunshine to it. So like, while my coffee is brewing, i work on my breath work, or while I'm brushing my teeth, i meditate. So it's like it's very doable And once and we have, everything we do is a habit, like there's literally you can attach so many things to your routine throughout the day, like when you are driving to work, listen to a podcast that, like that, educates you or gets you excited, or whatever it might be. But I think the fitness industry has ruined New Year's resolutions, like it became a marketing tactic where we do try to convince you that you are not enough and you need to lose those 30 pounds, when really the focus is like overall health, which includes everything mental health, financial health, sexual health, like all the things, so you could pick and choose whatever you want. You don't even have to start with going to a gym. You could probably start with, like, going to therapy.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. You know what I?

Speaker 1:

mean Like you can choose, or just like go for a walk, like if that feels good go, do that, feel whatever you can do to feel better.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's the energy And that feels like you're adding to your life instead of taking things away.

Speaker 1:

You know, yes, we already don't have like, we're already trying to just get by. We talked about this a couple of weeks ago. I saw TikTok the other day Yeah.

Speaker 3:

I mean you know.

Speaker 2:

I saw a very informative documentary. Just kidding, it was TikTok bud. I saw this TikTok and this girl said gosh, dang it. I wish I would have saved it because it's hilarious. I almost sent it to you But I have like a. I have to put myself on like a freeze because I sent her too many. And you know I'm not trying to scare her away. But this girl was like literally the world is burning, why are we still talking about Keto? And that was the TikTok. And I was just like yes, i mean no, no, like no shade to people who love Keto or whatever, but it's just so funny that with like the intensity of everything happening, there would still be a corner of the world. That's like putting putting pressure on physical aesthetics still. Do you know what I mean? And and I'm just like, oh man, that ain't it.

Speaker 1:

He is still out there. Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

You know, it's just like people are dying, Kim.

Speaker 1:

I mean we don't have time for waste trainers, we have shit to do.

Speaker 2:

I mean I was around with a waste trainer No, no shade. But like is it my, like my life goal? And no, you know, maybe that's just. Maybe that's a freedom we are experiencing now that we're in our forties. Maybe there's just a level of no Fs to give Once you reach a certain point and you start to accept your body as is and you switch from how do I show up in this thing and how does it look to you? How do I feel living in this vessel as I journey through There's a, there's a. There's a journey from, from A to B. There, yeah, our meat sack Me, your meat sacks, dressed up with all that new hair. Girl, you're looking good.

Speaker 1:

We're just souls stuck in meat sacks, walking around thinking that we need to lose 30 pounds in order to be somebody, And I I don't need to be anybody anymore because I listen to this billier guts podcast.

Speaker 2:

And they said I have to pursue it.

Speaker 1:

Everyone's quitting their jobs, not working out.

Speaker 2:

They're like what? What happened? We started losing this weird podcast of these two.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I'm just saying, like, if a New Year's resolution sounds good to you and it feels energizing, go for it, but just know you can start every day forever. And if it's a, especially if it's a fitness goal, like it's going to be, it's a, it's a lifelong commitment. So just take it. take it easy.

Speaker 2:

Make peace Sweet. Yeah, be sweet to yourself and find a way to have fun. Right, like seriously. Like listen listen, I you know I know we shit on whole sort of hustle culture all the time, but you know what I'm a big fan of? I'm a big fan of competition.

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm a big fan of. All right, so you guys don't even know. this bitch will eat your children. If there's a competition, i've seen it. Your children, i might My body is Kali, like she's just out there chopping I will.

Speaker 2:

That's all. I will kick your dumbbell over in the gym. I did it.

Speaker 1:

She has bullied children.

Speaker 2:

I think I wrestled an old lady at the gym at TBR I get a little competitive. So I think there's a difference. I want to say publicly on the podcast that you know, even though you don't want to be somebody and there's no this like inherent need to like prove yourself in the world, like with your status and with your aesthetic body but there is an opportunity to shit on people when you can in the appropriate arena of a competition, and that's what I get behind. And so I'm really excited because I'm to set you up for this. I got invited to be a part of a very exciting challenge in January which is going to set me up not for a New Year's resolution, but set me up for a very exciting Well, something get excited about again with my fitness. So can I have you share that, in case anybody wants to join us? We're already making Jesse do it.

Speaker 3:

So I'm so excited, do it.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be OK so everything. I've talked about this, this nonprofit that I work with until death collective, And every year we run a fundraiser for the Green Beret Foundation, specifically a area called Andy's Fund, which is helping funding Gosh whoa. I'm actually about to say this out loud for the first time, and it's it's crazy but it's not I'm so excited to shout out until death.

Speaker 1:

It's crazy, but it's not. But, like, the funding that they do is to help prevent suicide, specifically in the veteran community, but the funding goes towards things that, like, the military doesn't cover, like red light therapy, like cold plunge experiences. It's actually this other side of wellness that it funds that exposes people to something different, where traditional medicine or traditional therapy might not be working. So I don't know why I never, like I put that together How perfect this is, especially like for our little group. Like you meet Jesse, you're in the gang Squad squads here. But what? what we do is we use a little piece of technology called in my zone, and it's a heart rate monitor. You can wear it on your chest and there's also you're going to actually love this, mandy, because there's a wrist and like a forearm strap now too. Oh, it just like gets sweaty and gross.

Speaker 2:

I mean I get lost in my titties. but I'm okay, i'm all right, i've seen, i've seen this movie once. a choice If it gets, if it gets me extra points. I don't care.

Speaker 1:

So you get live feedback through an app about your effort, how hard you're working, and you'll get, you'll earn points depending on how hard you work.

Speaker 2:

Which is why I love fitness When we gamify. Oh my gosh, it's over.

Speaker 1:

That's exactly what it does. Is it gamifies movement and not just like I get OK points when I lift, but like if I really want points, i hike I paddle board.

Speaker 2:

It's more like being able to sustain a medium to high, potentially uncomfortable, depending on what kind of training you like, which is your point, yeah which is like kind of forcing you to train your endurance to be to be longer and more like steady state for like longer periods of time, which is not something you're typically excited to do when you're just going into the gym. You know what I mean. I'm like cool, i've been on here 10 minutes. That's good, right. See you Exactly. But if you're in a challenge, then you're just like I must, and you have to growl every time you talk when you're wearing it.

Speaker 1:

So there's a, there's a little be a leaderboard so you can see where you rank And the until death are are right. We're still, i would consider, still a startup. We just got kicked off in May But our end goal is to really prove out how movement affects mental health. So like our end goal is to partner with universities, do case studies, physicians and really like use our community to show And here's the data, because we use my zone Like this is where we started, this is where we are, this is how much better we're feeling. Like so really prove that out to people because it's still. it's still. I just made a post about trauma in in the body and it's still taboo, like it's still not really accepted in the medical community. And we're saying that we feel it and we see it like movement really can be a modality to healing. So like that's our end goal with that's so good.

Speaker 2:

So tell me, how did OK. so how does this work? if people want to join, how do they start? How do they raise money Like, how does this work for, for those of us who who want to join?

Speaker 1:

You can go. It's it's super easy. You can go to until death collective dot com and then there's a fight back tab at the top And you can just purchase your mice on there and we get it. Get them almost at cost to, so they're about depending on what version you pick, but they're about $99. And the proceeds for all of the January sales go all go to the Green Bray Foundation. Oh, cool, i know. And then my favorite part, of course, is around March-ish we'll have like a wrap party, like an end challenge party for anyone wants to come. And then the top. I think we do like a top male and female finisher, i can't remember. We fully fund their trip to come out. And then we do the Green Beret Foundation comes out and we do like a live auction with donations. We have stuff for the kids. Last year we did at a brewery and had like food truck and beer and it was just a good oh my gosh, how cool everybody together how you kind of like shit talk each other on the app and so like, yeah, like

Speaker 2:

finally me and you're like I know you, dylan. 457 that's awesome and anybody can join anybody can join um.

Speaker 1:

You can also if you wanted to straight donate, you can just do that oh, that's dope but you might as well strap that thing on and compete me. Mandy Jesse, my mom and dad are doing it.

Speaker 2:

My, my is doing it. I got my husband. We're all we're getting in on it, mikey.

Speaker 1:

I know. Mikey he's our hero.

Speaker 2:

I'm ready, i'm ready, i'm ready to shit on everybody.

Speaker 1:

Jesse, you better watch out so it's like it's a good time and it's a it's a good, good group. I just like I don't know why, i just put together that it really is like putting in funding towards all well. I hate we still say alternative therapy but, like alternative medicine and I hate that because that implies that like there's a right way or like a western right versus eastern, versus whatever, but it really will provide a lot of support for people that, like traditional methods, aren't working.

Speaker 2:

I think that's so cool. When does this challenge kick off, so people know how long they have to kind of join us and get excited about it?

Speaker 1:

it starts January 1st, it goes the what the first of the 31st. So that's why we're encouraging people to like get your my zone now register the add super easy setup. You literally get it, register your, your number in the app and then you're in the community. But it's always good, i feel like, especially with like new technology, like get it, put it on, try it out, mess around and like kind of work out the kinks before the actual challenge starts, because you don't want to you don't want to miss out.

Speaker 2:

This is what I love. This gets me more excited. This is way more exciting to me than a new year's resolution. You know, yes, i'm just like, oh yeah, okay, let's go. Let's go part of the community like that, the.

Speaker 1:

I was actually just on a call last week with with my zone and they said that because you can connect with each other on the my zone app too, which really can like, friend and follow each other, and there was such an interesting stat that said that people are more likely to stay consistent with their movement when they're connected to four or more people absolutely community dude.

Speaker 2:

We need each other absolutely. I'm so excited so that's really what it is speaking of. Which, though, if people go, please go follow until death collective on Instagram, you can do that right now, right when you're listening, so you don't forget, so you could at least support on the socials. But you guys have like like featured athletes, right, like, how does that work? when people go on the page, they get to see like like ambassadors of the collective tell us, tell us, who they are we just expanded in a really big way.

Speaker 1:

That's why, like, one of the other reasons that I'm super excited for 2023 is I feel like we kind of had all these roles we needed help with. So there are a group of wellness experts that's the team that I lead and our intention again is to really like connect that mental health and movement and also just educate. So free workouts, recipes, we write blogs it's just a lot of free information we're sharing and the team I'm the only one who's not a veteran or active duty, which is always interesting for me because I'm like what are we talking about?

Speaker 2:

like I never know and they're like oh, we love you dude, i always know when I'm around military people when they like, use military time oh, i'm like what?

Speaker 1:

and I'm like wait.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I don't know the math on that, like what's 1400? please tell me two o'clock. Thank you, i don't know.

Speaker 1:

I'm so sorry, i gotta learn yeah, we can't even figure out time so so there's other

Speaker 2:

there's other teams that like focus on different different aspects yeah, so um.

Speaker 1:

So that's the balance team. And then we have athletes, we have um ambassadors, so other people that are um sharing or um any athlete also gets to choose a charity of their choice. So, out when the january challenge is over, or you know, like even right now, any of the sales that we make, a percentage goes to the athlete and then it goes to our charity of choice oh, that's cool and everyone. It's super.

Speaker 2:

Everyone has their own um what is what is yours, what is your charity of choice?

Speaker 1:

our mind is a war party movement. So that is the. The rodeo, the ranch rodeo yeah, summer, outside of denver, which is such a good time, but um, it is empowering and helping women get out of difficult situations and come, go through this very extensive, um challenging course and learn how to ranch and then work on um job placement after, so they can have some financial stability, so they can regroup, so they can just pause for a second and move forward and in a better capacity in their life. They, they just did this crazy hunt out in the wilderness snow. I was like I don't know what?

Speaker 2:

okay, i could do that.

Speaker 1:

What's their social handle, so people can go follow them too so there's is war party movement and then they have War Party Ranch. I can't remember. I think War Party Movement is the actual, like the charity, side of it.

Speaker 2:

How freaking cool. So it's not just about the until death. It's like giving like. That platform is giving spotlights to all these other organizations that are out there doing big work and big things out there too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and even Jeremiah, who's the founder of War Party, is a former green beret worked in some contracting stuff. And he got into it because he did some contracting work where he was helping women and kids get out of difficult spots internationally and was like I need to help women, Like I don't know how else to put that. So he came back and started this nonprofit.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, See this all feels like something worth getting my butt on a friggin' spin bike for.

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm saying. I'm excited There's prizes, there's going to be raffles, you can bid on auction items. We have some great partners that we're just like over the top giving, and I think the rap party is going to be in Texas, but we don't know yet.

Speaker 2:

Cool, well, count me in. I'm ready to shit on you, Jesse. I'm only going after you because I know you're just as competitive.

Speaker 3:

Can I comment on this real quick Please?

Speaker 2:

do. Oh, my god.

Speaker 3:

Like you know, i'm competitive, right, i know.

Speaker 2:

That's why I'm little sistering you.

Speaker 3:

That's what I'm doing So here's one of the things that specifically with physical fitness. I carry a chip on my shoulder And this chip is all those people that buy pelotons. I feel like I can work harder than and beat Just.

Speaker 1:

FYI. Ok, all right, all right, shots Bye.

Speaker 2:

I have it. I have it on good authority that Santa might be bringing me a peloton, so I'm about to get this ass in shape, and so this is on a recorded line.

Speaker 3:

I didn't mean to give it up. I just want you to delete this section out.

Speaker 2:

No, no, we're not deleting this, because at the end of January, i'm going to have this as a sound bite.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Full disclosure It has nothing to do with you. I've always just had a beef with peloton people. That's all. I'm out again.

Speaker 2:

It's fine. Well, good news for you I'm not just going to be a peloton person, I'm also a hot yoga gal. I love that.

Speaker 3:

The reason I work with you is your versatility, Mandy.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. I am a multi-dimensional being. Well, first, you're welcome, dude. I'm pumped. Thank you so much for sharing that, because I know how much the until death collective community means to you And I know that we've kind of tried to think of ways to have them on which we might next season Because, guess what, there will be a season two of Spill Your Guts, yay. So we hope that you guys will not get bored with us and come back, because there's so many people we love and cool things going on out in the world And we want everybody to spill their guts as we continue to.

Speaker 2:

What did you call us on Instagram the other day? Us two beautiful idiots Hanging off Spoochia Cliff as we're discovering our multi-dimensional beings So publicly, and then having crazy remorse afterwards. Sometimes I go home and I'm like what did I say on the internet Every time? Well, i'm excited. That gets me excited for starting my new year off with the bang, without having the pressure and freaking stress of a resolution. I got my word, i got my challenge, i got my my zone on the way. What else? What else is there but to eat, drink and be merry bud?

Speaker 1:

Hey, you know what This is? 40 was a good year. It was good to us. That's why I want to be like look at us. Would you just look at us? Well, as we say our little farewells to 2020, we just begun. I feel like I want to end with our little brief spiral that we came right out of. I feel like we shortened the time that we freak out and then recover, and that's progress to me, girl.

Speaker 2:

Hey look, if that ain't the truth of how this whole spiritual process works. It's just like working out When you put in the reps. It gets easier and easier each time And then pretty soon you're like, oh, i like this thing And you're not loathing it. Every time It's the same with the spiritual work, right, the hard conversations and the spiraling, and the feeling of despair and existential crisis gets a little less.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, and every day, And what's so interesting to me is this podcast. Like I wouldn't have worked through the things that I did without it, And so we had a fun little time, but it was also very much part of our healing that I did not expect. I was like we're just going to get on there and run our mouths on it Yes.

Speaker 2:

I agree with you, dude, you're so right. It's been a real surprise, because it's forcing us to just really show up kind of naked And oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and when we were kind of maybe just to wrap this up, we were when we were just spiraling this week as we do Mikey swooped in and shared something with you, which you shared with me, which I'm glad to do, because I feel like I had never met Mikey, but he looks out for me somehow.

Speaker 2:

Oh 100%.

Speaker 1:

OK, i've always felt that. Oh yeah, about to be so wrong.

Speaker 2:

Maybe it's not weird that you guys have not met in actual real life.

Speaker 1:

No, it's so weird. I feel like I know him, though.

Speaker 2:

You totally do. I mean, you guys have seen each other on Hello Facetimes, but not ever in real life. I feel like it'll be totally natural when you see him just be like Mikey.

Speaker 1:

Well, he reminded us.

Speaker 1:

And so we're going to remind our listeners, too, that, as we move forward into this new year, that we make sure that our decisions, our energy and our focus are not taking us away from the things that are most important to us, that do bring us energy, that we do love Our close circle like you, and I joke all the time like we got no friends, no friends left, because we've really tightened down our circle and decided this is who I want to spend time with, This is what I want to do with my time, because we only have I don't even know how many years we got left. We were halfway, probably. Hey, this all ends, this all ends, so we got to make a count.

Speaker 2:

Yes, he did, And I shared with you that. His advice to me was he said when considering things, make sure that it's not just me being in a room somewhere, but that I have a seat at the table, Is what he said. And I know, And I was like what.

Speaker 1:

Get over here.

Speaker 2:

No, like dream weaver, And actually as a sidebar, because this is what I'm going to say, my personal dream weaver song is not dream weaver, It would be Robert Palmer, addicted to love.

Speaker 1:

You know what We got to share it? We got to share your playlist too. Do you love my playlist, my 2022? I've been listening to it Really. Yes, i want to make one too.

Speaker 2:

Best compliment, thank you. I'd love to share it Spotify first, because we love Spotify on this podcast.

Speaker 1:

Looking for sponsors in 2023.

Speaker 2:

Hey, if you love, Spill Your Guts and you want to sponsor us, slide into the DMs. Jesse's waiting And with that, rachel Don Prairie. I say thank the universe for you, my lady. Thank you for agreeing to do this crazy ass thing with me and really hold me to the fire several times this year And being the best goddamn podcast partner that ever existed. I love you. Thank you for doing this with me.

Speaker 1:

I love you. Right back, Ask your man to me. Oh no, Mindy Lee.